初中的国外诗词 初中苏轼的诗词

初中的国外诗词 初中苏轼的诗词

著名的外国诗歌 蝈蝈与蛐蛐 济慈 大地的诗歌永远不会死亡 当所有的鸟儿因骄阳而昏庸 隐藏在阴凉的林中,就有一种声音 在新割的草地周围的树篱上飘荡 那就是蝈蝈的音乐呀!它争先沉醉与盛夏的豪华,它从未感到自己喜悦消逝 一旦唱得疲劳了便舒适地躺在可喜的草丛中间 大地的诗歌呀,从来没有停息 在寂寞的冬天夜晚,当寒霜凝成 一片宁静,从炉边就响起了 蛐蛐的歌儿,在逐渐升高的暖气,昏昏欲睡中,人们感到那声音就是蝈蝈在草茸茸的山上鸣叫
请推荐外国最美的15首诗词 雪莱《西风颂》魏尔仑《秋歌》庞德《在一个地铁车站》歌德《浮士德》拜伦《唐·璜》《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》《我没有爱过这世界》《永锡庸城堡》纪伯伦《花之歌》(散文诗)《大地之神》《船的来临》波特莱尔《忧郁病》普希金《小鸟》《翻腾的浪花》华兹华斯《孤独的牧羊人》P·s:我最喜欢拜伦和纪伯伦的诗(《浮士德》《唐·璜》《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》都是长诗,不过是其中最优秀的)
最优美的外国诗歌他爸爸回答;When I made the woman she had to bespecial. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,又柔情似水,并且无怨无悔的照顾自己的家人渡过疾病和疲劳. "You see: The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears;你永远不会懂得.只要她愿意.这是她所独有的; was all his dad could say. &quot, why do women cry so easily;妈妈为甚么毫无理由的哭呢?" " "Because I'm a woman," she told him. 妈妈说;I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly" 我赋予她智慧让她知道一个好丈夫是绝不会伤害他的妻子的,但有时我也会考验她支持自己丈夫的决心和坚强. &quot. "I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children&quot,我让她可以流泪,他打电话给上帝; 你看,&quot. 小男孩长成了一个男人:&quot.&quot:&quot:"And finally?&quot," he said. 男孩说.&quot." 我赋予她包容她丈夫过错的坚强和用他的肋骨塑成她来保护他的心. "我不懂;当上帝拿起电话时,他问道:"上帝; yet, gentle enough to give comfort" 上帝回答说A little boy asked his mother "Why are you crying. "I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart"I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up.我使她的肩膀能挑起整个世界的重担;并且?" 后来小男孩就问他爸爸;All women cry for no reason; "I don't understand;当我创造女人时; 一个男孩问他的妈妈:" 你为甚么要哭呢,"And you never will" 他妈妈抱起他说:&quot, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed,女人为甚么那么容易哭泣呢?" God said: &quot. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry; 我让她的内心很坚强,能够承受分娩的痛苦和忍受自己孩子多次的拒绝." "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason.&quot,因为那是她心灵的窗户和爱居住的地方 Every Woman is Beautiful. 每一个女人都漂亮这也是我在网上找的 感觉很好 不知道是不是你需要的; 我赋予她耐心使她在别人放弃的时候继续坚持;所有女人都这样. "The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes." 最后,但仍旧不懂女人为甚么哭泣. Finally he put in a call to God; and when God got on the phone, he asked, &quot:&quot. "I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly" 我赋予她在任何情况下都会爱孩子的感情,即使她的孩子伤害了她;God, because that is the doorway to her heart the place where love resides." 女人的漂亮必须从她的眼睛中去看; 最后,让她很特别,and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining &quot?&quot, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair,女人的漂亮不是因为她穿的衣服,她保持的体型或者她梳头的方式;因为我是女人啊. His mum just hugged him and said; Later the little boy asked his father, &quot?&quot
初中语文的诗词【夜雨寄北】(李商隐?唐) 【淮上与友人别】 【唐】 【酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠】(刘禹锡?唐) 【闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄】(李白?唐) 【江南春】 【唐】 【观沧海】(曹操?东汉) 【饮酒(其五)】(陶渊明) 【天净沙?秋思】(马致远?元)【迢迢牵牛星】【渡荆门送别】(李白) 【白雪歌送武判官归京】(岑参?唐) 醉花阴 李清照 已亥杂诗 龚自珍 杜少府之任蜀川 王勃 白雪歌送武判官归京 岑参 渡荆门送别 李白 望岳 杜甫 水调歌头 苏轼 望洞庭湖赠张丞相 孟浩然 无题 李商隐 山坡羊 潼关怀古 张养浩 宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云 李白 石壕吏 杜甫 左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘 江城子 密州出猎 苏轼 秋词 刘禹锡 雁门太守行 李贺 渔家傲 范仲淹 破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 辛弃疾 关雎 《诗经》 茅屋为秋风所破歌 杜甫 书湖阴先生壁 西江月 夜行黄沙道中 辛弃疾 夜雨寄北 李商隐 论诗 赵翼 相见欢 李煜 饮酒 陶渊明 春望 杜甫 卖炭翁 白居易 泊秦淮 杜牧 过零丁洋 文天祥 如梦令 李清照 使至塞上 王维 黄鹤楼 崔颢 游山西村 陆游 37.望洞庭湖赠张丞相(孟浩然)38.山居秋暝(王维) 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋 。