初中一年级英语上册作文 通用10篇( 六 )

我叫李文轩,熟悉我的人都知道我是一个文静、胆小的女孩,今年我已经读小学三年级了 。
瞧!我有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,一般总爱扎着马尾辫,两道眉毛像月牙,下面有一双闪闪发亮,炯炯有神的眼睛,扁扁的鼻子下衬托着一张能说会道的嘴巴 。常常说几句笑话,就让我弟弟大笑半天 。
我有很多兴趣爱好,比如打羽毛球、游泳、画画,但我最喜欢的就是看书 。每次我逛书店,都不会忘记买几本童话书、笑话书、漫画书 。我今天看一点,明天看一点,肚子里的知识就越积越多 。现在我家像个“小图书馆”连厕所里也都放着书 。
有一次,我发高烧,妈妈马上带我去家门口附近的小医院打针 。护士阿姨在我的手上涂了药,拿起针轻轻地扎进我的手,突然,护士阿姨发觉地方打错针了,慢慢地将针拉出来,用一颗消毒棉花,放在我刚刚打针的地方,这一次我忍住了痛 。可是第二次,护士阿姨还是打错了地方,第三次,只好打脚了,这回打对位置,但因为疼痛,实在受不了,所以哭了 。离开时,护士阿姨向妈妈道歉,还夸奖我是个勇敢的好孩子 。
哈哈!这就是我,一个爱看书、爱读书又活泼又勇敢的女孩 。
1.When ask about ...,the vast/overwhelming majority of most /many think /believe/answer that .... But ...
2.When it comes to ...,some think/hold ...
3.Recently,the problem of ... has caused wide public concern.
4.The issue/problem/question of ... has been brought into focus to public attention over recent years.
5.When asked whether it is advisable to ...,different people have different things to say,but in my opinion,I don’t think it is wise to do so.
6.Now an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that ...
7.“Why ... ?/Can ... ?”Of all the complaints/debates/questions I have heard,this is the one most frequently voiced.
8. With the rapid growth of ...,... have become increasingly important in our daily life.
9. With ...playing an increasingly big/vast role in ...,more and more ...
10.One of the problems facing /society today is ...
1.The picture puts a highlights sth.
2.The above picture features a ...
3.Seen from the chart,it can be conclude that ...
4.The cartoon /picture /drawing shows ...
5.In the cartoon shown to us,... Obviously,what the cartoon reveals is ...
6.Such a picture draws attention to the fact that ...
7.It is vividly described in the picture/cartoon that ...
8.It can be discerned from the table that ...