智能插座能不能放厨房用担心着火问题。( 三 )

这些帅哥屹立在人群之巅,他们的服饰都有属于自己的专人定制 , 因为他们就属于标准身材 。
That’s the way things were when the likes of John Wayne (6ft 4in), Gregory Peck (6ft 3in), Charlton Heston (6ft 3in) and Clint Eastwood (6ft 4in) were in their prime
以前那样的例子还很多 , 比如约翰·韦恩,格里高利·派克(6英尺3英寸),查尔顿赫斯顿(6英尺3英寸)和克林特·伊斯特伍德(6英尺4英寸) 。
Christopher Lee was at 6ft 5in, James Bond star Sean Connery was 6ft 2in (both may have shrunk a little) and poor Christopher Reeve, who played Superman before his tragic horse-riding accident, was 6ft 4in
克里斯托弗·李甚至有6英尺5英寸高 。饰演詹姆斯·邦德的明星肖恩·康纳利6英尺2英寸(实际两个人都有可能比这矮一点),还有可怜的克里斯托弗·里夫,在他的悲剧骑马事故发生前扮演了超人的角色,有6英尺4英寸 。
Compare that with the recent Oscars ceremony, when our own Eddie Redmayne was announced as winner of the Best Actor category for his performance as Stephen Hawking in The Theory Of Everything The audience members sitting near him leapt to their feet to applaud — and little Eddie was suddenly dwarfed
但是相对而言 , 在最近的奥斯卡颁奖礼上,当我们艾迪·雷德梅恩以《万物理论》中的精彩表现夺得最佳男主时,他身边的观众们都跳起来鼓掌欢呼---那时候小艾迪一秒变矮人 。
The actress Cate Blanchett loomed over him — she looked so much bigger than him And yet Redmayne, at 5ft 10in, is one of the taller modern male stars
女演员凯特·布兰切特跟他站在一起的时候--- 看着比他还要高大很多 。而雷德梅因,5英尺10英寸,已经算现代男星中的高个子了 。
Compare those man mountains with the likes of today’s Bond, Daniel Craig (5ft 10in) or Martin Freeman (hobbit Bilbo Baggins) who is 5ft 6in and recently played a pocket-sized Richard III on the London stage
相比这些高个子明星,还有如今的邦德,丹尼尔·克雷格(5英尺10英寸)或者5英尺6英寸的马丁·弗里曼(在《霍比特人》里面扮演了比尔博·巴金斯) , 近来在《伦敦舞台》中扮演了袖珍大小的理查三世 。
I happened to see Freeman in civvies recently and what struck me was how normal he looked: therein lies his appeal, perhaps He is the man in the street
我不久前碰巧看到弗里曼穿着平常的衣服,那着实让我大吃一惊,因为他看起来是那么地普通 , 也许是因为他的穿着吧 。在街上 , 他就只是个普通人而已 。
Generally, films these days are less likely to contain the sort of bar brawls, tough-guy scraps and derring-do scenes requiring brawn The modern leading man is more likely to be required to burst into tears and go shopping
一般来说,现在的**里面都都不大有酒吧斗殴,硬汉火拼,以及搏命场景需要肌肉满格 。现代的男主角更多是要能泪流满面和居家购物 。