wtf是什么意思( 二 )

WTF may refer to:
WTF, an inter slang acronym for "What the"
The World Taekwondo Federation, a member of the International Olympic mittee
Warren T Furutani, a California State Assemblyman
Waking the Fallen, an album by Avenged Sevenfold
Walking Through Fire, album by April Wine
Weekly Top Five, a video program by World Wrestling Entertainment on wwe
Werewolf: The Forsaken, a role-playing game developed by White Wolf Game Studio
Work Time Fun, a game for the PlayStation Portable
Working Title Films, a United Kingdom film production pany
The Daily WTF, a blog about information technology perversions
要是作为网上用语,那么就应该是What the的意思 。
英语中有不少粗俗用语,有的是动词(就是其中之一) , 可以跟人称代词作宾语;有的是名词,常用作插入语表示 。
这些词都可以表示类似汉语的“他妈的 。该死”等诅咒,以某种表示强烈的感情 , 如: 1 动词 + 宾语 2 名词用作插入语,表示到底他妈的是什么[谁, 什么时候 ,  什么地方,怎样 ,  为什么等] 。
?What [who, when, where, how, why] the devil。what [who, when, where, how, why] the。
?这就是What the的由来 。what [who, when, where, how, why] in the hell 。
? 此类用法有也可以用 in the world, on the earth 等作插入语,不过成了比较文明的讲法个人觉得,这个貌似有毛病的句子才充分体现了说话之人的感情 。而且,这些口头用语不必深究的 。
带你打很厉害的样子 , 带你飞 。
First Blood 第一滴血;
Double Kill 双杀;
Trible Kill 三杀;
Quadra Kill 四杀;
Penta Kill 五杀;
Ace 团灭;
Killing Spree 大杀特杀;(击杀三人)
Rampage 杀人如麻;(击杀四人)
Unstoppable 势不可挡;(击杀五人)
Godlike 横扫千军;(击杀六人)
Lengendary 天下无双(超神);(击杀七人)
An enemy has been slain 我方击杀敌方;
An ally has been slain 敌方击杀我方;
You have slain an enemy 你击杀敌方;
You have been slain 你被敌方击杀;
Shut down! 终结;
Executed execute(处死 , 枪决)的过去分词 。被小兵或机关击杀;
Your turret has been destroyed 我方防御塔被摧毁;
Your team has destroyed the turret 摧毁敌方防御塔;
Defeat 失败;
Victory 胜利;
Gank:简单理解就是抓人 。
网络用语 wtf是什么意思 ky是什么意思
wtf,就是what the。
ky有两种含义:一、KY是日语,即‘空気を読めない’的缩写形式 。表面意思是读不懂空气 。