学而思投影仪怎么用( 三 )

第3 步更换XES-07单元 。如果更换XES-07单元后仍然不能排除故障,进行第4步 。第4步参考发电机使用手册,发电机存在故障 。
可奇奈尔 。
coccinelle可奇奈尔B14包包,coccinelle是意大利的本土品牌,价格亲民款式经典,偏小众是这个牌子的死忠粉,对他的包包都爱到不行 。
like musical operas,soap operas are not a-
bout real people 。
像音乐剧一样,肥皂剧也不是讲述真实人物的生活 。
And critics charge that they do
not represent a balanced picture of reaI life.
批评家们常常指责肥皂剧没有现实生活的代表性 。
They note that almost every one in a soap opera has a
serious emotional problem,or is guilty of a crime.
他们批评说 , 几乎肥皂剧中的每个人都有严重的情感问题,或者是为自己所犯的错误而羞愧难当 。
And there are several crises in every program.
并且,每一集都会出现人物间的矛盾和危机 。
Yet,soap opera fans do not care about what
the critics say.
然而,肥皂剧迷们完全不在意批评家们的所说 。
They love the programs and watch
them every day.
他们依旧喜欢着自己的节目,并且每天按时都按时收看 。
Such loyalty has made soap operas very popular in the United States.
如此忠实的电视剧迷们让肥皂剧在美国大受追捧 。
1n fact,a few programs are so popular that they have been
produced with the same actors for many years.
事实上,有些节目太过于受欢迎,以至于他们连续几年都由同样的明星主演 。
Another expression that uses the word soap
is“soap box”.
另一个用上“SOAP(肥皂)”的词组就是“SOAP BOX(临时演讲台)” 。
There was a time when soap and
other products were shipped jn wooden boxes.
曾经有段时间,肥皂和其他的商品都用木盒子来运送 。
The boxes were small,but strong.
这些盒子很小 , 但特别结实 。
You could stand on one to see over the heads in a crowd.
你可以站在一个木盒子上,在人群中,越过人的脑袋往远处眺望 。
Soap boxes were a simple,easy way to make yourself talIer if you wanted to give a public speech.
如果你想要进行一个露天演说,踩在装肥皂的盒子上是一种简单易行的方法 , 可以让自己显得更高 。
Such soapbox speeches usually were political.
这种临时的演说一般都充满政治色彩 。
The spea kers shouted their jdeas to anyone who
walked by.
演说者激昂地向每个路过的人宣讲自己的主张 。
Many talked for hours.
很多人可以滔滔不绝地讲好久 。
Today , you don’t need a wooden box to make a soapbox speech.