These tubs contained a mesh of cider hair, which filtered the liquid Once the sauce had filtered through, the remaining solids held in the mesh were removed and pressed
For many years this press was worked by hand (hydraulics are now used instead) The liquid was then pumped into a vat through a vibrating sieve The sauce continued to be filtered, until it reached the bottling and crating plant Today it's pasteurised before it is bottled
Although the general process has changed significantly in recent years, the taste of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce still remains the same
Vital Statistics
The main ingredients involved in the making of our famous Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce (as listed on the bottle) are:
Malt Vinegar, Spirit Vinegar, Molasses, Sugar, Salt, Anchovies, Tamarinds, Shallots or Onions, Garlic, Spices and Flavouring
The first step is to lightly crush the British onions, French garlic and Danish shallots These are then stored and aged in barrels of malt vinegar
Once they are sufficiently matured, they are trferred to huge vats and mixed with Spanish salted anchovies, black tamarinds from Calcutta, red hot chillies from China, cloves from Madagascar and black strap molasses from the Caribbean
The process of mixing, stirring and pumping continues until the sauce is ready, at which point it is strained and bottled It takes up to o years to make a bottle of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
官网公开的只是汁料的主要成份和概括制作过程、品牌史和食谱等 。真确的制作过程及成份则是百年秘方 。(已highlight)
(Hello Harris,我见阁下其他post得悉你极不喜欢抄袭而来的答案,但我想话唔系个个抄返来的答案都钇蛉?你)憎,例如我在保健或食谱区见人地有问题 , 例如怀孕前准备工夫等,便会在各奶粉尿片网找答案、并唔系乜鬼都抄一餐,也有列明出处 。当然可能有闪失 。有些答案根本无可能凭空写出,食谱怕记漏嘛 。唔系话你唔o岩 , 我之不过想为自己澄清返少少少少少野啫,多谢各位收看),参考: leaperrins/about/how,
喼汁名叫辣酱油,又名辣醋酱油、英国黑醋,是一种英国调味品,味道酸甜微辣,色泽黑褐 。
喼汁是以海带、 胡萝卜 , 洋葱、 蕃茄、 蒜、 姜、 辣椒等蔬菜煮汁,再加胡椒、 陈皮、 肉桂、 肉豆蔻、 藿香、 桂皮、 丁香、 花椒、 茴香、 百里香等香辛料煮沸,然后添加食盐、 味精、 蔗糖、 冰醋酸及焦糖色配制而成 。
而桂花喼汁就增添了桂花的香味,口味更独特丰富 。
排骨清洗晾干水 。
切好蒜末、姜、葱 。
晾干水的排骨放到盘中加入淀粉、耗油、蒜、姜、盐搅拌均匀 。
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