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how do movies or television influence people’s behavior? use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
do movies and television affect our behavior? a special concern is whether movies and television make children and society more violent. i believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both for the better and for the worse.
movies do make people more violent. the more we see violent acts on television, the less sensitive we become to them. eventually violence doesn’t seem wrong .we may even commit violent acts ourselves. this is especially true because we don’t always realize that violence has consequences. actors can be killed and come back for another movie. sometimes we confuse that with reality. we forget that killing someone is permanent.
movies and television also influence our behavior because they make us less active. looking at films is a passive activity. if we watch too much, we become unhealthy, both mentally and physically. we stop using our own imagination when we see things acted out for us. mental laziness becomes physical laziness; we’d rather watch sports on to than play sports ourselves. we’d rather visit with the characters on “seinfeld” or “friends” than go chat with our own neighbors. imaginary people have exciting lives. is it any wonder that some people would rather live a fantasy life than their own?
of course, watching movies and television can also be good for us. it can give us a broader window on the world. for example, seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures. we can then overcome some prejudices more easily. recently there have been more handicapped people in films, and this also helps reduce prejudice.
只有吃过黄连的人才能感觉到蜜糖甘甜;只有走过坎坷的人,才能更珍惜平坦的舒心;拿过榴莲的手更显出鹅卵石的光滑 。只有失去,才会真正知道什么叫珍惜 。
大街上,有的人为了达到自己的意图,竟然横穿马路,毫不注意车辆来往,人为的造成了许多无法弥补的过错;有的人为了自己的自私,竟然闯红灯,骑车开在人行道上,造成了无法挽回的车祸;更有的人为了自己的事情,赶时间,竟然驾车超速,从而又造成了一件件车祸事故 。所以遵守交通规则,携手创造安全的责任,可都在个个人的身上呢!
有一个严重的交通事故,非常残酷:金华某公司司机马师傅,驾驶大客车从金华驶往横店,车外春光明媚,车内谈笑风生,一派祥和气氛 。好景不长,可怕的事却成了不速之客 。当车行至横店公路地段时,突然发现不远处窜出了一个骑自行车的人,马师傅在慌乱中紧急踩下刹车 。但坏事却接二连三的发生 。大客车撞到了房子的墙上,墙被撞破了,又因为速度太快,整辆车甩了出去,大客车的尾部又撞在了自行车上,还因为公路接近河边,骑着自行车的小男孩被撞飞到了河里,那时的小男孩还小 。就在深深的河里溺水而亡了 。当人们捞上来,走近一看,原来是一个小孩子 。他姓郑,是个小学生,只有9岁 。只有9岁啊!正值得旭日东升之时,却已殒落了 。一位小学生就这样与世长辞了,一连串的车祸又该如何引起人们的思考呢?错误的行为是要付出代价的 。保护生命,安全出行 。是每个人的重中之重 。