以教育为话题的作文700800字( 八 )

今天,是我最难忘的一天,也是我最快乐的一天 。外教让我明白了,“英语是通往世界的桥樑 。”平时要多讲英语,才能熟熊巧生 。
Our long-awaited opening of English and thoughtful, and the campus decorated. Banyan tree are filled with red lanterns and the third and fourth grade students elaborate greeting cards in English, and cultural corridor covered with five sixth grade students in English Shouchao Bao well-designed, but also erected a small stage schools, a new look crowded.
Today, English is the first day of opening week. The morning at eight o'clock, we have three to sixth grade teachers and students in order entry. Everyone is patiently waiting. 8:30, several cars slowly to enter the campus. Suddenly, a cheer on the playground, head surging. Wow! Three tall, blond hair, white skin, blue-eyed native-speaking English teachers in my school, accompanied by the leadership approach. Pitch whistle, applause mixed one, the students waved energetically to the blowing rod and external enthusiasm for teaching is indescribable, had to force to Fai shouted in unison: "Welcome to our school!" Resounding voice say hello. Foreign teachers is also very reasonable appearance waved hello to us.
9 o'clock lecture is started. 3 foreign teachers one by one the stage, they use the standard introduced himself in fluent English. They are from the United States, New York, which also received a doctoral degree. 3 foreign teachers to teach us to learn English, but also come down from the stage into a microphone targeting fellow students, let us follow him read, along with that talk together. He listened to our readers, but also from time to time thumbs-up "Good! Good!" What the students want to cry ah! Followed by Ma Show the teacher picked up the guitar bounce if you dropped, and we could not help singing along together! At this time, we feel the presence of teachers and students are thrilled, it is difficult to use language.
Unconsciously, nearly two-hour event coming to an end, and I ran up the stage polite invitation of foreign teachers in English, a photo with me.
【以教育为话题的作文700800字】Today, I am the most memorable day is my happiest day. Foreign teachers let me see, "English is the gateway to the world." Normally want to talk more about their English in order to mature bears Qiaosheng.