方位词描写校园的英语作文70词( 二 )
“Readafterme!——Eastern 。”瞿老师平时教的一、二、三班学生大声跟读“——Eastern 。”这时,我突然想到“Eason”再想到了“医生”,最后想到了“我的爸爸是个医生” 。通过这次联想,我很快记住了这个单词 。
最后一个单词是“西方”,瞿老师说:“Readafterme!——Western 。”我们全班又读了几遍,瞿老师就说:“Ok,takeoutyourworkbook,copyyourhomework,classisover!”
方位词描写校园的英语作文70词 篇3
Spring the school yard that the girl is taking gentle breeze to come to us. What it changes our campus is extremely beautiful! You look, the flower of Chinese flowering crabapple in garden of Chinese flowering crabapple is connecting, resemble a pair of sisters, its Na Jiao's tender body appearance looks very beautiful, feel particularly comfortable. Go in yulan magnolia garden, you can see the yulan magnolia like goblet is spent, it is searched greatly the Cheng Man in goblet beautiful wine of spring, lifting cup invite us to share. Leave in the flower bed of campus full beautiful butterfly is beautiful, in gentle breeze, it resembles a butterfly that has dance only lightly. Look again carefully, its appearance more resemble face of one Zhang Zhang cat, that two stripe are decorative pattern of the fur on feline body, how beautiful, how beautiful! Walk into winter jasmine altar, the winter jasmine of that gold yellow is beautiful, resemble a piece of little face of piece of baby, extremely delicate. There is a stamen in flower, wen Yiwen, a faint scent waves to come dispersedly. Arrived on little ground slope, you can see Bai Li takes violet here violet Xie Su. Her leaf is purple, the flower is white, much more good-looking! The campus the awaken of spring in us is really thick!
方位词描写校园的英语作文70词 篇4
我去过美丽的村庄,欣赏过姑姑家那种满花草的院子,但是我还是最喜欢校园里的景色 。
一进大门,就看见了整齐的排列在一旁的银杏树,它们比我们的四层教学楼还要高 。它们挺着身子,向上伸着所有的手臂,像是在欢迎春姑娘的到来 。春天,春姑娘从它们的枝丫上拂袖而过时,那些小银杏叶就都跑出来了 。它们个个都穿着一件绿色的外衣 。风一吹,它们便跳起了欢快的舞蹈 。而当秋天到来时,银杏树则变成金黄色的 。凉爽的秋风一吹 。它们就离开了树妈妈的怀抱,开始了旅程 。它们来到了屋顶上,为房子戴上了一顶金黄色的帽子;它们来到了地面上,为大地盖上了一张金黄色的小被子;它们来到了小河上,为小鱼们制作了一把把金黄色的小雨伞------银杏树真美啊!在银杏树下的草丛上点缀着星星点点金黄色的小花 。远远望去,像成千上万只金色的蝴蝶,在草丛上玩耍?嬉戏 。它们有的还是花骨朵儿,含苞欲放;有的全部绽放了,十分引人注目;有的只开了几片花瓣儿,像羞答答的小姑娘一样;这么多的花一朵有一朵的姿势 。其中,全开的小花,有着一个像小绒球一样的橙色花蕾,它的花径十分细长 。花儿一顺儿朝上开,似乎在对着天空微笑 。
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