樱桃花什么时候开 了解一下( 七 )

校园的樱花开了 , 那紧锁的心扉,是否还敞开着,按响三月的门铃,樱花微微一笑,将我锁在春雨的季节里 。
Campus cherry blossom opened, the locked heart, whether still open, ring the doorbell in March, cherry blossomile, lock me in the spring rain season
樱花的品种不同,它的叶子也就各有不同,有的翠绿而又光滑,有的火红而又粗糙,有的则是内部呈绿色 , 而边上却呈红色……樱花树皮是暗褐色的,也正是这样 , 用粉红色的樱花花瓣去装饰它,尽管如此,却无论如何也遮挡不住它本身的那种气质和本色 。樱花的花瓣每支有三五朵,成伞状花序,萼片水平开展,散发出淡淡的花香……
Different varieties of Cherry Blossom have different leaves Some are green andooth, some are red and rough, some are green inside, but red on the edge The bark of cherry is dark brown, and it is just like this It is decorated with pink cherry petals However, it can not block its own temperament and natural color in any way Each petal of cherry blossom has three or five, forming an umbel The sepals develop horizontally, giving off a light fragrance
樱花的五片花瓣,中国人民硬币般大小 , 真是小巧玲珑 , 似晶莹的露珠,似闪乐的繁星,似稀有的珍珠 。樱花的味道虽然没有茉莉的浓郁;没有玫瑰的娇艳;没有兰花的幽远;没有百合的温馨;没有牡丹的富贵 。但它也有自己的特点——那就是有一股淡淡的清香,令人陶醉 。
The five petals of cherry blossom, the size of Chinese people's coin, are reallyall and exquisite, like crystal dew, like twinkling stars, like rare pearls Although the flavor of cherry is not as strong as jaine; there is no delicate beauty of rose; there is no secluded distance of orchid; there is no warmth of lily; there is no wealth of peony But it also has its own characteristics - that is, there is a light fragrance, intoxicating
无数樱花生长在樱花树躯干上,有的含苞待放,有的争花斗艳 。樱花有粉红色粉白色朱红色艳红色 。樱花有七层,共有三至五片花瓣 。形状像酒杯,**的花心伸到花瓣外,冲着我们微笑 。在阳光的照耀下美丽极了!
Countless cherry blossoms grow on the trunk of cherry trees, some are in bud, some are competing for flowers The cherry blossom has pink, pink, vermilion and brilliant red There are seven layers of cherry blossom with three to five petals The shape is like a wine glass The yellow flower heart reaches out of the petals andiles at us It's beautiful in the sunshine!
树上开满了粉红的樱花,那粉红的颜色 , 不浓不淡,还略带几分娇气 。在嫩绿的树叶衬托下 , 那颜色格外妩媚,格外鲜艳,让人眼前一亮:如此美丽的樱花!任何人见了,都会忍不住惊叹:神奇的大自然,竟能创造出这样的美!