
Over the past one week, We\\'ve collected data of mobile communication, and I have interviewed a few of people, young and old about their plugged in lives.And what I\\'ve found is that our little devices, those little devices in our pockets, are so psychologically powerful that they don\\'t only change what we do , they change who we are.So just to take some examples: People text or do email during corporate board meetings.They text and shop and go on microblog during claes, during presentations,actually during all meetings.People talk to me about the important new skill of making eye contact while you\\'re texting.People explain to me that it\\'s hard ,but that it can be done.A clamate told me he doesn’t want to interrupt his partner, But then he says ,"You know, I\\'m not telling you the truth.I\\'m the one who doesn\\'t want to be interrupted.I think I should want to, but actually ,I\\'d rather just do things on my iphone." Acro the generations, I see that people can\\'t get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts they can control.
滚滚黄河,滔滔长江,翻涌万年不息;巍巍中华,泱泱大国,沉浮千年不变 。这就是我们可爱的祖国!一个响彻世界的名字——中国!
失去朋友,可以再交;失去金钱,可以再挣;但失去灵魂,却永远找不回来 。一个没有品质和灵魂支撑的民族与国家是悲哀的 。
让我们的中华魂世代相传,让我们的中华精神永存! 谢谢大家 。


跨过严寒的冬天,度过愉快的寒假,沐浴着和煦的春风,我们迎来新的一学期 。我向全体同学,全校教职工道一声:新年好!并向本学期新转入我校就读的同学们表示热烈的欢迎!
过去的一年,我们在文化知识学习、自主合作探究学习、综合实践活动、身体素质锻炼等方面都取得较好的成绩 。大多数同学出色地完成学习任务,初步养成良好的学习习惯、自主的生活习惯和文明的行为习惯 。
过去的一年,老师们更加敬业,学校管理更加规范,校风更优,学风更浓,学校有新发展 。过去的一年,我校被升格为“江苏省实验小学”,被南通市委、市政府评为文明单位,被南通市教育局、南通市环保局、团市委评为环保监督示范岗,被评为南通市红旗大队、南通市示范红会,被通州市教育局评为通州市第四届模范学校、通州市新课程改革先进集体,通州市素质教育先进单位,亭小英语教研组被评为通州市巾帼示范岗……
新年伊始,万象更新 。在新的一学期里,我校全体教职工,将以更加开拓进取的态度、更加严格认真的作风、更加科学规范的管理、更加热情细致的服务,进一步提高教育教学质量和办学水平 。在这新的一学期里,我们的校园环境会更加优美,学习氛围会更加浓厚 。