WILL什么意思|will表一般现在的9种用法( 三 )

第10:will重读时 , 可用来表批评某人的行为;
will(表某人坚持某一特定个的行为而别人无法改变 , will应重读)总是
He will leave his socks 百思特网lying around all over the place and it drives me mad.
他总是把袜子扔得到处都是 , 真叫我生气 。
重读的will可以用来批评人们的典型行为 。
She WILL fall in love with the wrong people. 她谈恋爱老找错人 。
Well, if you WILL keep telling people what you think of them…
嗯 , 你要是老告诉人们你对他们的看法……
第11:will do好的 , 行
will do(口)好的 , 行(表示愿意遵照他人的要求去做)
That’ll do! used to tell someone to stop behaving badly 够了!行了!
That’ll do, Timothy! Please just sit down and keep quiet.
够了 , 蒂莫西!请坐下别说话 。
That will never do!(过时)绝对不行!
do: to be adequate足够;适合
I don’t need any more cake, thank you. One piece will do. (= one piece is enough)
我不要蛋糕了 , 谢谢 。一块就够了 。
I’d prefer to use glue, but tape will/would do.
我喜欢用胶水 , 不过胶带也可以 。
that will do (it)或that should do (it)(用于非正式口语 , 表示不需或不需)这就够了
“Would you like anything else?” “No, that’ll do it.” =”No, that should do it.”
“你还想要点别的吗?” “不要了 , 够了 。”
do: to be proper合适(用于否定句)
It doesn’t do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients.
=It won’t/wouldn’t do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients.
医生不应该和病人过于亲近 。