初一下学期自我评价怎么写?( 八 )
Dear Tom,
Here in China it’s Spring Festival and we’re getting ready.My father is cleaning the window.My brother is sweeping the floor.My mother is making a meal.I am making lanterns.Usually we buy new clothes.We usually have a haircut.We always get presents from our family and friends.And we often eat dumplings.
8. Look at the picture .There are some boys in the picture.They are playing basketball .Near them under the tree, two girls are reading a book .Who are working near the house ? Two boys and a girl.Can you see the birds in the tree? I think they are singing .They are having a good time .
9. Last summer I went to the beach .My holiday was very good .I went there bybus and my bus trip was relaxing .The beach was very beautiful .It was sunny and cool.The people were friendly and the food was delicious .
I enjoyed my holiday very much and I hope to go there again .
10.My Hometown
My hometown is Pan’an.It is a small town.It is in the middle of Zhejiang.It has a population of 200.000.It is famous for mushrooms.The people there are friendly.It is hot in summer and cold in winter.
It’s my hometown.Do you like it?
11.I’m going to Hainan Island for a holiday.So I _____(go) to a supermarket and _______ (buy) some food and drinks.There ___ (is) much traffic on the road and I ____ (spend) two hours getting to Low Price Market.At the gate I ___ (see) the clock over the door and it was 11:00.I _______ (want) to buy some bread and ________(return) home quickly.But then I ___ (meet) myfriend John.I ______ (talk) with him until 1:00 p.m.When I _______ (arrive) home, I was veryhungry.
时光流逝 , 丰富多彩的初一生活即将结束 , 这三年是我人生中重要的一段里程 , 它将永远铭记在我的脑海里 。
我能以身作则 , 严于律己 ,
学习上 , 我有较强的自学能力 , 勤于钻研 , 肯思考 , 合理安排好学习时间 , 理解能力强 , 思维敏捷 , 对问题有独到的见解 。学习中摸索出一套符合自己的学习方法 , 脚踏实地 , 循序渐进 , 精益求精 ,
通过初中一年年生活的锤炼 。在德智体方面 , 我取得了长足的进步 。从一个懵懂的中学生逐步成长为品学兼优的“四有”新人 , 但我有清醒地认识到自己的不足之处 , 体锻虽然达标 , 但还须加强体育锻炼 , 提初成绩 , 在今后的学习中 , 我将不断总结经验 , 继往开来 , 更好地报效祖国 。
本人在校热爱祖国 , 尊敬师长 , 团结同学 , 乐于助人 , 是老师的好帮手 , 同学的好朋友 。我学习勤奋 , 积极向上 , 喜欢和同学讨论并解决问题 , 经常参加班级学校组织的各种课内外活动 。
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