
Over the past one week, We\\'ve collected data of mobile communication, and I have interviewed a few of people, young and old about their plugged in lives.And what I\\'ve found is that our little devices, those little devices in our pockets, are so psychologically powerful that they don\\'t only change what we do , they change who we are.So just to take some examples: People text or do email during corporate board meetings.They text and shop and go on microblog during claes, during presentations,actually during all meetings.People talk to me about the important new skill of making eye contact while you\\'re texting.People explain to me that it\\'s hard ,but that it can be done.A clamate told me he doesn’t want to interrupt his partner, But then he says ,"You know, I\\'m not telling you the truth.I\\'m the one who doesn\\'t want to be interrupted.I think I should want to, but actually ,I\\'d rather just do things on my iphone." Acro the generations, I see that people can\\'t get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts they can control.
大家好!今天我要讲的故事是《妈妈的红白裙》 。
【简短演讲稿格式怎么样?】小时候,总听长辈们感叹:“党的政策好啊 。”那时的我并不知“党”有着什么样的含义,只是痴痴点着小脑袋 。可现在我懂了,就是因为妈妈小时候的裙子,我最坚强的妈妈为了小时候外婆饿着肚子亲手缝制的一条裙子让我第一次看见妈妈如此伤心 。你们一定也奇怪吧,下面我就给大家讲讲这条裙子的故事 。
有一次,我和妈妈在整理衣橱中,看到一条红布白点的裙子,裙子没有什么特别,一点也不好看,我正疑惑家里怎么有这件衣服 。这时,妈妈说:“这是我小时候穿的`裙子,要不给你穿好不好?”我摇摇头,心里暗想,我才不穿呢,好难看呐 。
第二天,我们几个同学在一起玩游戏,我想起了妈妈的裙子,就自作主张的拿去了,心想:这条破裙子,不要也罢,妈妈不会说什么的 。于是妈妈的裙子在我和小伙伴的手中剪成了各式各样的形状,大家玩的可开心了 。到了下午,我兴致勃勃的哼着小调跑回家去,晚上妈妈整理我的书包看见了一团团碎布,问:“芳儿,哪来的这么多碎布啊?我说:“我和小伙伴们把那条又土又丑的红白点裙子剪的,可好玩了!反正放在家里也没用,我肯定不会穿你那破裙子的”妈妈突然丢下手中的碗,噼里啪啦,碗碎了,妈妈的眼睛湿了,泪水滴答滴答的流着,我傻眼了,不明白为什么,我们家现在住着大房子,穿着衣服,为什么会为了一条没用的裙子伤心呢?
妈妈过来大声对我说:“芳儿,你知道吗,这条裙子是外婆小时候几天没吃饭,用省下的钱买的布料缝制了一夜做的,为此,外婆还生了一场大病,它是妈妈的宝贝,也是妈妈小时候最漂亮的裙子,可你……,你这小孩太不懂事了!”我吓得止不住的哭,妈妈从来没有对我这么凶,我委屈的哭着 。妈妈冷静了会儿,又对我说:“芳儿,知道吗,妈妈小时候可没你现在这么幸福,穿着漂漂亮亮的裙子,那时有的穿就不错了,你姥姥用辛苦赚的钱买点布料,回家手工缝制,这已经了不起了,有的家庭连布料都买不起,你们现在的小孩从小就过惯了无忧无虑的生活,不能理解以前的日子是多么的艰苦 。听着妈妈的话语,我若有所思的低下头……