当看完一本著作后,你有什么领悟呢?此时需要认真地做好记录,写写读后感了 。你想好怎么写读后感了吗?以下是小编整理的《蝴蝶梦》英语读后感,希望对大家有所帮助 。
I like this story’s heroine, the second Mrs. de Winter. Although she is so poor and doesn’t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted. When she meets Mr. de Winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply. Soon they fall in love with each other and even get married. Then they return to Mandalay, his large country estate. She is very sincere and kind to every servant. Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper of Mandalay, resents her having taken the place of Rebecca, the former hostess. But the heroine politely says to her“I do hope we’ll be friends. You must be patient with me. This sort of life is new to me, and I do want to make a success of it. ”And the heroine loves his husband very deeply, even though there are many troubles in their lives, her love doesn’t change all the time. I really like her goodness.
I don’t like Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper. She admires Rebecca the former hostess morbidly and even tries to make troubles to divide Mr. de Winter and the heroine. At last, she perishes together with her cherished Rebecca myth. I think her action is very stupid.
作业写完了,我闲着无聊,就翻开了了《蝴蝶梦》这本书,它是我暑假时买的,到现在还一页都没动 。刚翻开蝴蝶梦,看到第一句话,就仿佛又看到英国十九世纪古老的家族庄园,美丽又诡异的曼陀丽,那些人物瞬间鲜活起来 。我仿佛就是书中的一角,深深的融入到了书中 。
这本书是一部悬疑小说 。
讲的是“我”在一次与英国绅士德温特的邂逅中,意外而有迅速的成为了曼陀丽这个古老庄严而又美丽的新任女主人,但“我\\'在前任女主人生前留下的女仆丹费斯太太与情夫表哥的阴影下过的十分抑郁和恐惧,几乎所有人都在暗示“我”,吕锫卡优雅、美丽、风度怡人、举世无双 。“我”总觉得自己赢不了德温特的爱 。就在“我”觉得自己已经完全被吕锫卡击败的时候,真相却突然暴露:原来吕锫卡不是死于意外,她和德温特乃情夫之间都没有丝毫爱情 。她是一个心态阴暗,放浪形骸的女人 。更可怕的真相是,原来吕锫卡是被德温特杀死的????
当我读到最后时,心中的疑团才慢慢解开 。这部悬疑小说让我爱不释手,作者通过吕锫卡放浪腐败的生活以及她和德温特之间的畸形婚姻,对当是英国社
会享乐至上、穷奢极侈、势力伪善等丑恶的社会现象作了生动的揭露 。《蝴蝶梦》以一种神秘而诡异的笔触,通过情影交融的手法,成功地渲染了一种缠绵悱侧的怀旧情结,描绘了一种阴森压抑的绝望,充满了神秘的恐怖气息 。
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