幸福用英语怎么说|幸福用英语表达的6种方式( 二 )
15、”God meant it unto good”& O blest assurance.
“神的意思是好的”这是幸福的保证 。
16、You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul.
你若将身、心、灵交在主的手里 , 必蒙主赐大福享安宁 。
17、Return of love, more blest may be the view;
看到爱的归来 , 是他们心中最大的企盼;
18、We spent a blissful week together.
我们一起度过了非常快乐的一周 。
20、He looked at Natasha singing, and something new and blissful stirred in his soul.
他望望唱歌的娜塔莎 , 他心灵中产生了一种新的幸福的感觉 。
21、I saw that his cheeks were wet and a blissful smile was on his face.
我发现他的脸颊挂着泪珠 , 面上露出了幸福的微笑 。
22、If you don’t feel bountiful, beautiful and blissful yet, just wait.
如果你还没有感到慷慨的 , 美丽的和幸福的 , 不要急 。
23、I was blissful and sure that all things were as they should be.
我是有福的 , 我确信万物都理当如此 。
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