
今天我读了一个故事名字是《穿靴子的猫》讲的是有一个磨坊主去世时留给三个儿子的仅仅是一个磨坊,一头驴和一只猫 。老三只分到了一只猫,他非常伤心 。一天小猫对主人说:“你不必伤心,只要你给我一个口袋和一双穿着能上树的靴子 。我就能让你过上好日子 。”老三相信了猫,按照猫的要求去做了 。小猫穿着靴子,拎着口袋跑进了养兔场,捉住一只小兔子献给了国王,国王给了猫一些赏钱 。一天小猫知道国王要带公主外出的消息,猫让老三脱完衣服在河里洗澡,然后把衣服藏起来大喊:“救命啊,侯爵要被淹死了 。”国王听了赶紧让侍卫救侯爵上岸 。国王认出是常给他献礼的小猫,就相信了 。国王赐给公爵最好的衣服,公主对他一见倾心,国王就把公主嫁给了他 。
主人的一只小猫,给他带来了意想不到的幸福 。我们平时想问题,看事物不能只看到表面现象,也不要盲目的悲观 。


Feeling After Reading Ru in Boots
Feeling After Reading Ru in Boots
During the summer vacation, I read a story book named Ru in Boots.I like the story and I like the hero—Ru too.Now I want to share the story to you.
There was an old miller he was going to die.He had a mill, a donkey and a cat.He gave the mill to the older son, gave the donkey to the second son and gave the cat to the youngest son.The youngest son was very sad.He thought that miller could mill flour and donkey could be ridden, what use a cat had? If I killed him I could get a pair of gloves.But suddenly the cat Ru said to his master, if you gave me a pair of boots and I could work for you.The youngest son did as Ru said.The cat helped his master get lots of treasure with his wisdom.The king married his daughter to him and his master lived happily from then on.
The story us that don’t just see the surface of something, wisdom can overcome everything.The most important is one can’t underestimate yourself.You should be full of confidence to yourself.At the same time, I think of another question, why the cat wants to wear the boots to empre its intelligence? Because it wants to have the equal rights as a man.It wants to be friends
with us.So we must love the animals, and only in this way they can help us.
这篇故事叫做《穿靴子的猫》 。记得我以前看过 。故事的大概内容为:一个小男孩被两个哥哥抛弃,一同抛弃的还有小男孩的猫 。看到男孩对自己友善 。猫决定帮助小男孩 。于是像男孩要了长靴和网袋 。经过靴子猫的计划和巧合 。男孩和公主成婚,并且和靴子猫过上了美好生活 。
第一次看到这篇故事还是在我小时候,当时也没怎么去深刻了解 。现在看来其中有些寓意 。一:小男孩对他的猫很好,他为人善良 。这些都被猫看在眼里,记在心里 。于是,它主动去帮助小男孩 。二:在小男孩和公主成婚后也不忘猫的功劳,和它一起生活 。在这里,小男孩,猫 。最终都有了好的归宿 。证明了好人有好报这个道理 。而在现实社会中,也有这样的故事 。