《汤姆索亚历险记》读后感怎么写?( 三 )

马克·吐温以热情塑造出了汤姆·索亚和他的一些伙伴让我们如何当家长、当老师、又如何看待孩子……我最喜欢第23章汤姆·索亚尽管在约定下,但还是勇敢地揭发真相事后,不光是我,他们全镇都在赞美他 。所以我最喜欢这一段 。


《汤姆·索亚历险记》是著名讽刺小说作家马克·吐温的一部作品,这本书描写了一个调皮却善良的孩子汤玛斯·索亚和他的朋友们不断探险的故事 。他们在探险、胡闹的过程中慢慢成长……
其中最吸引我的是汤姆在法庭上说出实情的桥段 。当我读到在印第安·乔的目光下,汤姆大声说出了事情的全部经过时,害怕下一秒汤姆就遭了乔的毒手 。而当我读到乔破窗而逃离开法庭的时候,我既为汤姆松了一口气,又因为乔逃走了而十分生气 。
这一事件,让我不禁佩服汤姆:这是杀人案,况且,当时杀人犯乔也在场,他就不怕乔吗?哪有人能够毫无畏惧的面对一个杀人不眨眼的强盗?但汤姆有着极强的正义感,所以他才会不顾自己心惊胆战,出来作证,为了还哈波一个清白 。
这本书除了剧情,更重要的是几个孩子成长的过程,从他们身上我们看到了自己想要的影子:聪明、勇敢、正直、乐观 。
在大人眼里,汤姆是个顽童,调皮捣蛋,可又不由自主的喜欢他;在孩子们看来,他却是一个英明的领导者,是个英雄 。不管哪里,孩子们总是相似的,都一样爱玩,一样喜欢捉弄人,也一样有可爱的梦想……
这本书除了剧情,更让我们从他们身上看到了自己想要的影子:聪明、勇敢、正直、乐观 。
汤姆等人的梦想是做海盗、当英雄,他们向往的是自由,希望摆脱束缚,而又渴望别人的认可、称赞和羡慕 。孩子的梦想无疑是可爱的,他们不会被条条框框圈住,也没有考虑过环境,他们只是因为单纯的一个想法,就生出美丽的梦 。
《汤姆·索亚历险记》很好的反映了当时的社会状况,使人在明白了一些深刻的道理,希望我们都可以记住这些道理 。


The reading report of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
B1101Zhang Yali0311110125
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain.Mark Twain is a famous American novelist, American literature of the founder of critical realism and the world-famous short story master.
The story began in an ordinary town in the Miiippi River in the first half of the 19th century.Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child.He can always come up with a variety of pranks which Aunt Polly has nothing to do with, and he always tried his best to avoid punishment.But he was finally found absent school and went swimming.Now he had to brush the fence on Saturday.Tom was very angry but he could do noting.On the way he came acro a new comer.He felt uncomfortable about the boy’s dre.At begging, the two boys quarreled with each other.And finally they began to fight because they couldn’t bear each other’s words any more.Of course Tom was the final winner.The newcomer escaped.This made Tom happy.How childish they are.When we are young, we can always quarrel with other little children about small things.That’s what we called child but not adult.Tom was punished to brush the fence on Saturday when all other children were going to play.He felt bad.And I think if I cannot go to play at weekend, I will be in bad mood, too.But you know, Tom is such a smart boy.He made almost every child paing by him work for him.He let others think brushing the fence is a very excellent job which not everyone can do it.The more difficult one want get something, the more eager they will be.Tom really did a good job.