famous是什么意思|学习单词——记录 famous

famous是什么意思(学习单词——记录 famous)

famous这是一个非常常用的单词,相信每个学习英语的同学,只要一说著名的,大家都会想到它 。

【famous是什么意思|学习单词——记录 famous】

但是著名的,还有be well konwn。
总之,famous或许我们都非常百思特网熟悉,但是对于其变形,我们知道得还是很少 。所以大家学单词的时候,一定要把单词串联起来,组成一个单词网 。这样,你就不会再说单词好难记呀!

be famous for因为...而出名
be famous as 作为..百思特网.而出名
英文释义【A thing or a person who is famous is well konwn. Many people know about the thing or the person.】例句:
There are many famous places to visit in New York.
在纽约,有很多著名的地方可以浏览 。
famous是什么意思|学习单词——记录 famous

Barack Obama is a very famous person because he's the President of the U百思特网nited States.
巴拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)是一位非常有名的人物,因为他是美国总统 。
famous是什么意思|学习单词——记录 famous

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world.
埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的地标之一 。
famous是什么意思|学习单词——记录 famous

The word "fame" is a noun:
The young woman was unable to manage his sudden fame.
这位年轻人无法应付自己的突然成名 。
famous是什么意思|学习单词——记录 famous

Some people would rather have fame over money.
有些人宁愿在金钱上成名 。

The word "infamous" is used to describe the activities of a person who does something that's very ,very bad.
Al Capone was an infamous criminal.
Al Capone是一个臭名昭著的罪犯 。