
在生活、工作和学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动 。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编精心整理的独自旅行英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友 。
Ithink there is no one would say “no” to travel. People love travel, for it canmake them relax and widen their vision. Some people like to travel withfriends, because they want to share the pleasure of traveling, and they thinkthe journey will be much easier for they can take care of each other. Whilesome people like to travel alone, they can go anywhere in anytime. They don’thave to care about what the partner’s idea. In my opinion, I’m much preferredto travel with friends, but I always have an urge to travel alone.
我想没有人会对旅行说“不” 。人们喜欢旅游,因为旅游可以使他们放松并开阔视野 。有些人喜欢和朋友一起旅行,因为他们想要分享旅游的乐趣,他们认为旅行会变得更容易,在旅程中将他们可以互相照顾 。有些人喜欢独自旅行,他们可以在任何时候去任何地方 。他们不必在乎对方的想法 。在我看来,我更喜欢和朋友一起旅行,但我总是有一种冲动想独自旅行 。
Firstly,I was told that travel alone can help people to grow up quickly, and that’swhat I really need. If you travel alone, you have to do everything by yourselfin the journey, for instance, to buy a ticket, to book hotel, and askdirections. That maybe just a small case for extrovert, but for introvert, likeme, it’s really a big challenge. I remember the first time I go to travel withfriends and my little brother, they did everything, and I just follow and had fun.I even too shame to check into a hotel, and my little brother did it for me. Iwas humiliated for that. So, travel alone could force introvert to do the thingsthat you don’t dare to do. It could help you to build an outgoing personality.For extrovert, travel alone could enhance your ability to handle emergencecase.
首先,有人告诉我独自旅行能帮助人们迅速长大,这才是我真正需要的 。如果你独自一人旅行,你必须在旅途中,自己做所有的事情,比如,买机票,预订酒店,问路 。这些对于外向的`人也许只是小事,但对于性格内向的人,像我,就是一个非常大的挑战 。我记得我第一次与朋友和我的小弟弟去旅行的时候,他们把所有的事情都做好,而我只是跟着并寻找乐趣 。我甚至太害羞而不敢到酒店登记,结果是我的弟弟为我登记的 。对于这一点我感到很羞愧 。所以,独自旅行能强迫内向的人做你不敢做的事情 。它可以帮助你形成外向的性格 。对于外向的人,独自旅行能提高你处理紧急情况的能力 。
Secondly,travel alone gives you peace of mind. Image that, you walking alone in thebeach, there are no sounds of human beings, just burst of sound waves. Youclose your eyes, enjoy the moment, you will feel peace.