
在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的'文体 。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的关于假期生活英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读 。
Summer vacation homework I completed in July.
【假期生活英语作文怎么写?】My holiday life is colorful, holidays, mom and dad give me a lot of interest class, with the phonetic symbol, table tennis... Oh, and swimming class. I am very happy. I mastered the basic English by learning the phonetic symbol, I also teach mom at home! Swimming is good also, it's a pity that ventilation is not much.
My holiday life is happy, play a few days ago I went to the changzhou dinosaur park, where he saw the male dinosaurs. After a while we figure to hangzhou park to play.
I download a lot of fun games, the Internet has a fantasy westward journey, donkey skin, kartrider (playing on Saturday and Sunday) I also watched some movies on the computer, the variant ideas "the mouse king's food".
My holiday is happy and colorful life!
暑假作业我在七月份全部完成 。
我的假日生活是快乐的,前几天我去了常州恐龙园玩,并在那里看了《大雄的恐龙》 。过一阵子我们商量着要去杭州乐园玩 。
我在网上下载了许多好玩的游戏,有梦幻西游,仙侣奇缘,跑跑卡丁车(星期六和星期天玩)我还在电脑上看了几本电影,《变型金钢》《鼠王的料理》 。


我理想中的暑假生活,也许不是最丰富的,但是是最适合我的,我相信,我会过一个最充实、最有意义的假期 。下面是小编收集整理的假期生活的英语作文8篇,希望对您有所帮助!
Article one: holiday life
In an instant, and to the winter vacation, our winter vacation life rich and colorful, I most love to my grandmother went to the winter vacation, my grandma has a large yard, evergreen camphor, a colorful chrysanthemum, there is a special season quiet hibernating turtle, up to the number of dust, all kinds of vegetables with the above, if some snow would be more fun, but this holiday isn\\'t snowing, but I\\'m not lost, there is so much mud, I can play with mud and sister together, do "ceramic" play.
Although it was winter, it didn\\'t feel cold at all.We were still happy to get ready, spades, boards, and water.We caught a lot of dirt on the prepared board, with a small amount of water and together, we had two small wooden mix, but that is not only cumbersome and very slow, so we cut out by hand mix up, we got two hands red with cold, also dirty, but his face was filled with happy smile.I accidentally put mud on my face, my sister laughed I became a big cat.