有关青春励志英语短文( 二 )

3.I really dislike this person.
我真的不喜欢这个人 。
If you dislike a person in your work or personal life, focusing on her bad qualities is not going to make things better. You need to let go of your assumptions about her and know that she is human too, which means she makes mistakes. Either you move on and stop thinking and talking about her, or learn to approach her or think about her in a positive manner. Focus on her good qualities, and repeat them to yourself instead of honing in on the unpleasant things.
如果工作或生活中有你讨厌的人,只关注她的缺点有害无益 。你需要放下对她的所有成见,告诉自己她也是个人,也有犯错的时候 。要么就不再谈论她和想着她,要么学着去接近她,或想想她好的一面 。多想想她的`优点,不要再专注于让你不开心的事情 。
4.Why is she better off?
Comparing yourself to someone else is never productive or positive. There's always going to be someone who is younger, prettier, smarter, or richer than you. If you keep coveting what someone else has, then this may cause you to be resentful of them, which will open a whole other negative can of worms. Remember, what they don't have is your whole package. Be appreciative of what you have, because if you want to play the comparison game, remember that there are people who are also worse off than you are.
和别人比较永远不是有效率和积极的表现 。总有比你年轻,漂亮,聪明,富有的人 。如果你始终关注别人拥有什么,会带来你对他们的恨意,随即带来更多消极的想法 。记住,你所拥有的也是他们所没有的 。珍惜你所拥有的东西,如果真的想和别人比较,也别忘了总有比你差的人 。
5.I'll never reach my goal.
我永远无法达到目标 。
If you think you're not going to be able "get there," think again. There are many people who are worse off and have overcome bigger obstacles than what you are facing. Take, for example, Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius, an amputee who overcame his handicap to compete in the Olympics against his able-bodied peers. Everything is within your reach as long as you work hard and have a a positive attitude.
如果你认为自己达不到,再想想 。比你差的人比比皆是,他们遇到的困难也比你的更大 。比如,奥运会短跑选手刀锋战士奥斯卡·皮斯托利斯,一个被截肢的运动员,战胜了自己的阻碍,在其他健壮的对手中脱颖而出赢得了奥运会的冠军 。只要你努力付出,有着积极的信念,任何事都能够做到 。
青春励志英语短文2:Burning Your Soul CandleI have a few candles stored in a drawer in my dining room. They’re meant for romantic dinners and special occasions, but since the arrival of our three children they have lain unnoticed among the napkins and other things. They are waiting to be taken out and lit to share their glow with anyone who will take the time to bask in their brilliance.