暑假的英语周记怎么写?( 二 )

This morning, the sky is cloudle, spring.My friends and I went to the park flying a kite, flying a kite in the park so many people, some is small swallow; some birds; there is I most like the phoenix.The sky was a riot of colours, like a blooming be riotous with colour clouds really beautiful ah! We play happy! 译文:今天早上 , 天空万里无云 , 春风拂面 。我和朋友们一起去公园放风争 , 公园里放风争的人可真多 , 有的是小燕子;有的是小鸟;还有的是我最喜欢的凤凰 。天空一片五彩缤纷 , 像一朵朵五颜六色的彩云真美丽啊!我们玩得可开心!扇 , 舒服多了 。
Today, my sister and me to a dirty dog take a shower, sister to bring water, then used washbasin and soap, we first make the dog water wet, and then rubbed with soap and rub a rub, finally washed with clean water! The dog is white and beautiful! 译文:今天 , 我和姐姐给脏脏的小狗洗澡 , 姐姐先拿来热水 , 然后再拿来脸盆和肥皂 , 我们先把狗用水打湿 , 再擦上肥皂搓一搓 , 最后用清水洗干净!小狗变得又白又漂亮!
Home to the floor dirty, my mother did not come home, I decided to sweep the floor.Say to work, I took a broom to clean, a dustbin full and take out the garbage.Although the waist is sour, people also tired, sweating sweat dripping, can see the clean floor, my heart is sweet 译文:家里的地板脏了 , 妈妈又没回家 , 我决定开始扫地 。说干就干 , 我拿起扫把开始打扫 , 一看垃圾箱满了又去倒垃圾 。虽说腰也酸了 , 人也累了 , 满头的汗水直往下淌 , 可看见干净的地板时 , 我的心里却是甜甜的 。
Saturday, my grandma made dumplings, one of the dumplings like obedient little ducks swimming in the bowl.My in the mind have a little not to eat them.But the smell of fragrance and let me greedy slobber, I eat up tit-bit.But I eat dumplings, the heart have a kind of feeling can not tell.
译文:星期六我奶奶家包饺子了 , 一个个的饺子像听话的小鸭子在碗里游来游去 。我心里有点不忍心吃他们了 。可是那扑鼻而来的香味又让我馋得流口水 , 我就大口大口地吃了起来 。可是我吃完饺子 , 心里有一种说不出来的感觉 。