留学自荐书怎么写?( 三 )
Practical experience related with studying is not the only thing I am interested in, providing contribution to the society and taking part in extracurriculum activities are equally important from my part.In July 2009, I joint summer practice group held by my college to investigate about university students employment situation at Huairou town, the countryside of beijing .I collected the majority of informations and interviewed the local officiers and wrote a report finally published on compus newspaper.In this activity , I saw the significance on team work and the consciousne on objectivity .In August 2008 , I become a member of Olympic volunteers.At that time ,my task is giving favours to peole who lost their way or need help .I was so glade to have that job because I got satisfaction and happyne when I helped people and saw their cincere smiles.And then felt my whole life was enriched .Thus I am endowed with many truehearted friends who are sharing the same ideal with me: to be a succeful person in order to help those who need help.
After I graduate from the master degree , I am going to go back to my hometown to make contribution on its development .alao ,feeling foreign culture and trandition is what I want to gain in your university,too.
In closing , I really want to enter your university to further my knowledge , also makenew frirends and have a better understanding on the society and custom or trandition .I hope you will give me a chance to display, I believe I will rise to the work of the company\\'s development of my biggest contribution.
Yours sincerely ,
感谢您在百忙之中现出宝贵的时间垂阅我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希看之门 。本人:王××,男,就读于××大学,现已毕业 。从小就受到良好的家庭教育,而且在父母的言传身教下我很早就树立了自己正确的人生观和价值观,并懂得了如何在生活中磨炼自己 。
我所读的专业是会计电算化,一直以来我学习刻苦,勤于钻研,四年的大学生活,学院给了我德智体美全面的教育,科学安排了本专业的所需课程,服从老师安排,并以不错的成绩完成了学业 。在四年的生活中,我勤奋刻苦,力求向上,努力学习基础与专业识知,课余时间积极的去拓宽自己的知识,并积极参加学校的各种体育活动和课外其他活动 。作为正要跨出国门的准备去留学的国内毕业生,我以满腔的热情与信心去迎接这一切 。为了提升自己能力,还进入了学生会,虽然是小小的干事,但是学到了很多书本上学不到的东西,磨练了自己,使自己更加成熟,更加了解一些人情世故 。
乐观向上,这就是我,一个活泼开朗的当代大学生对学习生活的理解 。学习的过程是艰苦的,追求真理的路途是充满荆棘的,然而不经历风雨如何能见到彩虹?人生的真谛就在于茫茫夜暗中远方的那一点星光,就在于对心中至美的无尽渴望和跌倒爬起的坎坷历程 。这些年来,无论学习书本知识还是从事社会工作,我都努力地倾尽自己的心血与智慧,散发着“人生的灵魂在于热情”的永恒信念 。尤其是在从事社会工作的过程中,我接触到社会各阶层的形形色色的人群,曾经许多次为高级知识分子的勤勤恳恳、思维缜密和无欲无求所震撼,也曾经许多次为普通劳动人民的憨厚淳朴、耿直爽朗和热情奔放所感动,我从中渐渐地领悟到做人的道理:热情是联系你一生的红线,勤勤恳恳才是真 。因为不满足于现状,想更多的丰富自己,我选择了留学 。通过深思熟虑,各种考察,最终锁定与中国一衣带水的韩国 。我从很早便开始对韩国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,通过我从各方面的了解,我发现韩国文化是传统的东方礼仪之邦,具有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,无论是在语言,文字上,还是在传统的建筑、服饰、饮食、体育等,都蕴含着独特的民族色彩,并且与此同时,现代的韩国经济也在飞速的发展着 。
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