中学生感恩英文演讲稿写法怎么样?( 七 )

Unfortunately, such a promising start did not go smoothly.Civil war, the Cultural Revolution, after the war the whole world especially in Asia, much of the country\\'s economic take-off our first opportunity mied, China\\'s development has experienced frustrations.Although our lives today and has international status and Sixty years ago is quite different, but we are not on the true meaning of the "big country", our comprehensive national strength with Japan still has a big gap between.It is for this reason, Japan has always been an arrogant attitude towards China, at the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist war today, their governments at a correct view of history on the problem is still ambiguous attitude, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi\\'s repeated visits to Yasukuni Shrine, Members of Parliament openly deny the Cla-A war criminals crimes.Comrades, fellow students, please close your eyes, you heard right, in the war for the country sacrificed their lives for the soul of the soldiers shouted at, in the war of 35000000冤死at the soul of the people crying ......
Say there is a famous saying goes: to forgive, but not to forget.On the one hand, in the country, national and even personal relations, grievances things everywhere, such as the heart of no forgivene, no redre for their grievances will be translated into phase reported.On the other hand, the historical facts and should not forget the leons of history.History will not be easy to repeat, the new framework of international relations, hysterical militarism no longer the market.But at the same time we must recognize that the war more than 60 years ago not far away from us, was the reason why Japan and France blatant and wanton aggreion against China, because Chinese are totally weak poor, economically backward, and today, cause of war and disaster cultural genes, there are still benefits-driven, people need to remain vigilant.
At present, the third technological revolution in full swing, leap in the development of the world economy, increasingly close contact with the world the Chinese are facing the best opportunity for economic development, history tells us that peace and stability in order for us to seize opportunities Zhongxing of the Chinese nation.On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of War of Resistance against Japan, I think of you teachers, colleagues and students, said: war and revenge will not win our respect, unremitting, and this is our victory to celebrate, hold a memorial ceremony for martyrs, and bearing in mind the history of the best way!
一百多年前 , 我们的近邻日本 , 通过明治维新领先走上了资产阶级道路 , 综合国力超越了中
国 。于是 , 这个曾经是中国附属的资源贫乏的小国开始觊觎中国地大物博的壮丽江山 , 他们一再地以武力侵略中国 , 而我们这个曾经的泱泱大国 , 此时也只能任人欺侮 , 因为自身贫弱的我们 , 根本无法对敌人进行有力的抵抗 。