《玩偶之家》读后感怎么写?( 七 )
It seemed that Krogstad was a bad behavior person in the drama.Dr.Rank described Krogstad: “There is a man in there with Helmer who’s a moral cripple.” (Ibsen 506-507).He used Nora’s forged signature, and the purpose was that he wanted
to keep his position in the bank.Just as his action, it made that Nora was blamed by her husband, and it also made Nora left his husband.However, because Mrs.Linde abandoned him, and he also had two children.This made that his life was casted in a shadow.But after conversation with Mrs.Linde, he gave up his threat thinking.In fact, he may be not an evil man.Maybe he was affected by the social environment, and it seemed like a bad behavior man.
In the end of the drama, the appearance that the family had a happy life was not existence.No doubt, Torvald’s characteristic of selfish and hypocrisy was exposed.In his heart, Nora liked a doll in the family, and it seemed that she was not importance.Therefore, the author showed a real relationship in the family to us.
After reading the drama “A Doll’s House”, in my opinion, no matter what is the appearance or no matter what the truth is hidden behind the appearance.When reading a fiction or drama, we should understand the real meaning and truth other than only stay in the surface.Just as the life, in front of the love, people should seek for the real love with practice, and we should not be inducted by wonderful words.
看完易卜生的《玩偶之家》之后,我觉得女主人公娜拉是一个坚强、勇敢的女性,在如此黑暗的社会中,她虽然没有任何地位,可是她在认清丈夫海尔茂的虚伪的面目后,选择了离开 。
易卜生的整个创作生涯恰值十九世纪后半叶 。在他的笔下,欧洲资产阶级的形象比在莎士比亚、莫里哀笔下显得更腐烂、更丑恶,也更令人憎恨,这是很自然的 。他的犀利的笔锋饱含着愤激的热情,戳穿了资产阶级在道德、法律、宗教、教育以及家庭关系多方面的假面具,揭露了整个资本主义社会的虚伪和荒谬 。《玩偶之家》就是对于资本主义私有制下的婚姻关系、对于资产阶级的男权中心思想的一篇义正辞严的控诉书 。《玩偶之家》是易卜生在1879年创作的戏剧,当时资本主义的弊端日益显现,社会矛盾激化,人们在金钱面前的自私自利、虚伪的丑陋面目显露无疑 。为了抢夺金钱,不顾友情、亲情、爱情,在他们眼中,金钱就是一切 。这些资产者的丑陋行为在海尔茂的身上得到了完整的诠释,娜拉于他来说只是玩具,一件外表美丽,能逗他开心的玩具 。当得知娜拉的行为会威胁到自己的利益的时候,他立即变了脸色,说娜拉是伪君子········ 。娜拉所做的都是为了救他,都是因为爱他,可是他全然不领情,不感激就算了,还说娜拉没资格教育孩子······,这一切就像在娜拉心口插了一刀,他居然是这样一个伪君子,自己当了他的玩偶这么久却不知道,对他来说,娜拉只是一个玩偶,别的她什么都不是了,海尔茂忽略了娜拉为这个家付出的一切,照顾孩子等等 。或许应该说在当时的以男权为中心的社会来说,妇女在家的劳动是她们必须做的,只有付出没有得收获 。没有资格谈报酬,谈回报 。海尔茂也不会在意到她的这些付出,他的意识里也没有对此思考过,男人在外面辛苦工作,妻子就有义务在家劳动,照顾孩子甚至没有理由去要求什么,也没有理由对他的安排说不 。
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