优美唐诗宋词楷体( 二 )

安得猛士兮守四方!垓下歌项羽力拔山兮气盖世 , 时不力兮驹不逝 。
驹不逝兮可奈何 , 虞兮虞兮耐若何!XIANG YU'S LAST SONGcould pull mountains down, oh! With main and might,But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won't fight.Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care.What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair! SONG OF THE GREAT WINDTranslated by Xu YuanchongA great wind rises, oh! The clouds are driven away.I come to my native land, oh! Now the world is under my sway.Where can I brave men, oh! To guard my four frontiers today! 龟虽寿曹操神龟虽寿 , 尤有竟时 。
腾蛇乘雾 , 终为土灰 。
老骥伏枥 , 志在千里 。
烈士暮年 , 壮心不已 。
盈缩之期 , 不但在天;养怡之福 , 可得永年 。
幸甚至哉 , 歌以咏志 。
INDOMITABLE SOULAlthough long lives the tortoise wise,In the end he can not but die.The serpent in the mist may rise,But in the dust he too shall die.Although the stabled steed is old,He dreams to run for mile and mile.In life's December heroes boldWon't change indomitable style.It's not up to Heaven aloneTo lengthen or shorten our day.To a great age we can live on,If we keep it fit, cheerful and gay.How happy I feel at this thought!I croon this poem as I ought. 回乡偶书贺之章(一)少小离家老大回 , 乡音未改鬓毛衰 。
儿童相见不相识 , 笑问客从何处来 。
IHOME-COMINGTranslated Old, I return to the homeland while young,Thinner has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue.My children, whom I meet, do not know am i.“Where are you from, dear sir?” they ask with beaming eye.(二)离别家乡岁月多 , 近来人事半消磨 。
惟有门前镜湖水 , 春风不改旧时波 。
IISince I left my homeland, so many years has passed,So such has faded away and so little can last.Only in Mirror Lake before my very doorThe vernal wind still ripples the water as before. 七步诗曹植煮豆燃豆萁 , 豆在釜中泣 。
本是同根生 , 相煎何太急 。
WRITTEN WHILE TAKING SEVEN PACESPods burned to cook peas,Peas weep in the pot:“Grown from same root, please,Why boil us so hot?” 归园田居陶渊明种豆南山下 , 草盛豆苗稀 。
晨兴理荒秽 , 带月荷锄归 。
道狭草木长 , 夕露沾我衣 。
衣沾不足惜 , 但使愿无违 。
RETURN TO NATUREI sow beans' neath southern hill;Bean shoots are lost where weeds o' erthepath grow.I weed at dawn though early still;I plod home with my moonlit hoe.The path is narrow, grasses tall,With evening dew my clothes wet,To which I pay no heed at all,If my desire can but be met.
想学古诗词创作,如何入门? 你可以去找找一个叫江湖夜雨的人写的书 , 安意如的《当时只道是寻常》好多内容是抄袭江湖夜雨的 , 还因为这个打过官司 。
而安意如能看的也就只有《当时只道是寻常》能看 , 其后的就别看了吧 。
最遗憾的是 , 就是《当时只道是寻常》里面好多纳兰词都跟原本有出入 , 也就是说是错的 , 你要是喜欢纳兰词 , 最好买本《纳兰词笺注》来看 。
有本写李煜词的书叫《最是寻常梦》 , 还不错 , 因为我喜欢李煜所以买来看的 , 看过好几遍还没有看腻 , 说明这书还可以 。
再有就是专门讲诗词的一些书 , 如果你喜欢诗词 , 那你看看叶嘉莹教授的一些书 , 叶嘉莹教授讲得非常好 。
其实我想跟你说的是 , 古诗词的赏析 , 如果要写实且正确 , 就不可能过分的语言优美 , 语言优美的都有藻饰太平的意味在里面 , 加入了作者本身过多的主观联想和主观臆断 , 对你本身绝对没有任何好处 。
而你如果要提高写作能力 , 要文笔好语言优美的书 , 则不必找写古诗词的 , 现当代的散文名家不少 , 或者直接看古代作品就好了 , 难道纳兰容若的词本身的意韵还不如安意如那小妮子的几笔勾勒?倘若真不如 , 那他纳兰容若也不会这样受人推崇芳泽千古了 。
也许我说的话不太好听 , 但是我能保证是对的 , 因为我是汉语言文学专业的 , 我只是希望能帮到你 , 为中国语言文化贡献一点微薄之力~
有关体现汉字谐音特点的古诗、急急!! 中华汉字 , 生动形象. 传播文明 , 盖世无双. 连缀成句 , 顿挫抑扬. 书法字体 , 各具特长. 篆书隶书 , 古色古香. 行书流畅 , 正楷端庄. 狂草奔放 , 凤舞龙翔. 对联形式 , 汉字独创. 左右工整 , 能简能详. 即便言志 , 又供观赏 书店里都有哇 叫 古诗词典 你去看看就Ok了呀...