我发现了什么英语作文怎么写?( 四 )

Through this series of experiments, it is very profitable! Not only did I discover the secret of the snails, but I also learned that if you want to invent something, you must discover problems from childhood and learn to solve them.


Everyone has their own discovery, perhaps surprise, perhaps surprise, perhaps touched... I found that maternal love is everywhere.
The sweater that day, because I think I'm not good-looking, while other classmates have a desirable sweater, I must make her mother give me from the mall to buy a beautiful sweater, mother had to be agreed.
【我发现了什么英语作文怎么写?】But when we arrived at the shopping mall, my mother turned back and said that the sweater was too expensive. One hundred and two hundred yuan, it was not easy for me to make money. Let me make do with the one that my mother knitted.
I feel terrible! I didn't have the face to go to the bathroom to disturb my mother. In the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep. I had seen my mother yawn a few times, and knitted together, tears once again blurring my eyes, this time the tears of regret.
My mother didn't get a wink of sleep all night. I knitted my sweater and then it was morning. My mother put the sweater away and went to work in a hurry.
I looked at the sweater and regretted it. I regreted that my mother had not slept a wink.
I think it is the best and most beautiful sweater in the world. I am the happiest son in the world, and my mother is a good mother to be proud of. Tears can not help but, this time is grateful tears...


高中英语作文范文:作文 我发现了
作文 我发现了
童年是多姿多彩的,我的童年也不例外 。以至于现在想起来,都要笑破肚皮! 记得刚上学时,我还是个不懂却又装懂的小孩儿 。有一次,我从电视上知道了"人参"这个词,并且知道人参的颜色是土黄色的,形状像个人,有时上面有泥土 。人参能治病,是一种珍贵药材 。我还从动画片中看到人参能长生不老,救死扶伤,便真的相信人参有这种本领 。第二天,我去找表姐玩(虽说是姐姐,也不比我大几个月) 。我们商量了老半天,最后终于决定玩"家家酒" 。她负责"煮饭"和"炒菜",而我则负责"买菜" 。我提着一个蓝子,来到了一个杂草丛生的地方,随手摘了几片叶子 。就算是"买菜"了 。我看见了一些一寸高的杂草,正想摘它们的叶子,但转念一想:还不如整株都摘,省得麻烦!于是,我用力一拔,杂草连根拔了起来 。咦?这不是人参吗?只见杂草的尾部,是土黄色的,形状也有像人,还有……对!上面还有泥土 。条件都十分符合,肯定是人参! "佳佳姐姐,过来一下!"我大声叫道 。表姐闻声赶来:"什么事?""你看,我发现了人参!"我十分兴奋地说道 。表姐接过一看,再听了我的解释后,说:"是有点像,只不过人参可没那好发现 。"我振振有词地说:"虽说很少人发现,但也有人发现啊!说不定我们就是发现人参的人 。"表姐半信半疑地说:"那它怎么没有手脚,就有头和身子而已?""因为它还没有成形嘛!"我学着电视上的口气说,"还有,你有没有听说过,菜是越嫩越好吃,这人参也肯定是这样 。现在还嫩着,快拔多些 。"我一脸的稚气,但姐姐还是被我说服了 。我如同发现了新大陆一样,不,比发现新大陆还高兴,一下子摘了好多 。于是,便开始做菜 。做完了,我想起人家说"马肉全席",是指全是马肉,那我们做的,全是人参,就叫"人参全席"吧!我把想法告诉了表姐,她听了,也拍手叫好 。"姐姐,你先吃 。要知道吃了人参可以长生不老 。"我兴奋地说,但当我们闻到那涩涩的味道时,都不敢吃 。过了几年,我从书里知道我发现的那个叫"根",并不是"人参" 。好险!那时玩过之后不太在意,如果当时告诉了别人,还不笑掉大牙.