
项链英文读后感10篇项链英文读后感 一:
“What would have happened if she hadn’t lost that necklace? How strange and changeful is life! How small a thing is needed to make or ruin us!” This is what impressed me most in “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant 。
This story is about a beautiful woman called Mathilde 。She borrowed a necklace from her friend to go to a party 。At the party,she lose the necklace and buy another one returned her friend 。She also worked to buy that necklace for 10 years 。10 years later,her friend tell her the necklace she borrow her is a fake 。
I think this story tell us do not be trouble of can not have something 。
项链英文读后感 二:
"La Traviata" this work is a 19th century novelist and dramatist dumas novel, this novel is the author alexandre dumas popular and the most influential novel 。
People for the heroine in the book the sad fate of margarita and tears 。La Traviata is a famous prostitute in Paris at the time, but its appearance and heart is as pure as camellia, she always carry a bunch of camellia is white head 25 days per month, then five days is red 。In addition to the camellia, never other flowers with her panions, so with this nickname, La Traviata 。
In the face of love, La Traviata showed his firmness and persistence of noble sentiment, but because of her this beautiful camellia lung and various social pressure die at the age of 23 。Her beautiful, intelligent, kind, passionate and want to pursue, he wants the pursuit of true, love, love her and armand, but when armand father acted to prevent their love, she can only select exit 。Wait until after the armand back, camellia has withered, find don't e back anymore 。
She like camellia e into the world with a fragrance, fragrance, silently, bloom, quietly bloom their pure and beautiful in the wind 。Even if hit by wind and rain, experience, even if injustice, she also silent, only for their own love, only to the most beautiful moment in blossom to love 。Until the end of life, and then quietly fade, don't make a sound, as if never e 。
All this makes the contempt for people fireworks woman image of a holy light flashing, that people think about the three words "La Traviata", the first thought is not cheap prostitute, but a beautiful, lovely, noble women of sympathy 。
《茶花女》这部作品是19世纪著名小说家戏剧家小仲马的一部小说,这部小说也是作者小仲马的成名作及其最有影响力的一部小说 。
人们为书中女主人公玛格丽的悲惨遭遇而潸然泪下 。茶花女是当时巴黎的一位名妓,但其外表和内心都像茶花那样纯洁,她总是随身带着一束茶花每月头二十五天是白色的,随后五天是红色的 。除了茶花,从来没有其他花与她相伴,故有了这个绰号——茶花女 。
在感情面前,茶花女表现出了自我的坚贞和执着高尚的情操,但她这朵美丽的茶花却因为肺病和各种社会的压力在23岁凋零 。她美丽、聪颖、善良,她满怀热情与期望的去追求,追求真正的、自我所期望的感情,她与阿尔芒相爱,可是在阿尔芒父亲出面阻止他们的爱时,她只能选择退出 。之后等到阿尔芒回来时,茶花已经凋谢,再也找不回来了 。项链英文读后感