教师类自荐信怎么写?( 四 )

I am writing to apply for the position of an English teacher your school offered.Teaching is my ideal career and fits my major.I am interested in teaching at your school.
As you can see from the enclosed resume, I will graduate from Jiaozuo Institute of Technology with Bachelor ’s degree in English Language and Literature in June 2003.Four years of hard study in college have set me a solid foundation for teaching.Tutoring has also strengthened my teaching ability.I am fluent in spoken English with standard pronunciation and skillful in public speaking.Besides what I should learn as an English major, I also have a good command of computer skills, expertly using Microsoft Word, powerpoint and Internet searching.
please see the enclosed resume for more information concerning my education and experiences.I am confident and energetic.What I have achieved in college ensures me being a qualified teacher.
Will you contact me regarding this position as soon as poible? If so, please contact me by phone, or email at ciy_zym@163.net.Sincerely thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely your,
Zhu Yanmei


您能在百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间垂读我的自荐信 , 对此 , 我谨表现忠心感谢 , 并感到无尽光荣 。
我是东昌学院xx级舞蹈专业的毕业生 。学海无涯 , 我寒窗苦读 , 孜孜以求历经数十年 , 虽不能豪言饱经风霜 , 但也尝尽酸甜苦辣 , 虽不敢自诩有超群之才学 , 但也掌握着比较扎实的专业知识 。就凭借我数十年宝贵的学习生涯与经验 , 我真真切切地感受到了师生之间独特的沟通理念 , 以及教师巧妙的授课方式 , 体会到了理论与实践之间的差距 , 明白了成绩好并不等于能力就高 , 我们都知道知识是基础 , 重要的是实践我热爱教师这个职业 , 喜欢与学生在一起的感觉 , 所以我相信我这些实实在在的经验 , 会为我今后的教学生涯打下坚实的基础 。
过去并不代表未来 , 勤奋才是真实的内涵 。对于实际工作 , 我相信我能够很快适应工作环境 , 并且在实际工作中不断学习 , 不断完善自己 , 做好本职工作 。假如有幸能够加盟贵单位 , 我坚信在我的不懈努力下 , 一定会为贵单位的发展做出应有的贡献 。


我是西京大学20xx届专科毕业生 。在完成学业 , 即将跨出象牙塔走出康乐园进入社会之际 , 我需要谋求一份适合自己发展的工作 。现在有机会把我介绍给贵单位 , 我感到非常荣幸 。