
英文励志文章英文励志文章 一:
How strong are you?
That is a tough question to answer whether you are a man or a woman 。
不管你是男人还是女人这都是个很难回答的问题 。[由www.smesun.com整理]
But really I want to ask… how do you define your strength?
How do you know your limits? How do you know just how much you’ve gotɛ
When push es to shove we often discover that we are much stronger than we think 。
当压力来临时我们会发现我们比想象中要更强大 。
What is Strength?
Strength is not always about pure physical strength 。Rather it is about willpower 。Discipline 。Drive 。It is about the capacity to get things done 。
力量并不仅仅仅指你的肌肉力量它更多的指的是意志力、训练、动力 。是一种能够做好事情的潜力 。
I know some people who are intellectually strong but they get very little done in their jobs 。And I know others who find work extremely challenging but are able to move mountains by their sheer drive and hard work 。
我明白有一些人虽然很聪明但是他们在工作中能够做好的事情却很少 。而另外一些人虽然明白工作很具有挑战性但他们仍能透过强大的动力和艰苦的工作来移动大山 。
They possess inner strength 。
他们具有强大的内心力量 。
More interesting is that these productive hard-workers often don’t even notice the load 。Bystanders are not only amazed but often ask “How do you do itɛ”
更搞笑的是这些十分努力工作的人并没有意识到工作量的巨大 。旁观者不仅仅感到很吃惊而且还经常问“你是怎样做到的?”
The answer usually es back “I just work harder than the others 。”
经常得到这样的回答“我只是比别人更努力一些罢了 。”
So why are some people able to do more? What gives them added drive? What gives them extra strength?
Could it be they have simply given themselves permission to do more?
Self-Imposed Limits
What I have observed is that most people impose their own limits 。They limit their output based on self-framed constraints of their capabilities and strengths 。Sometimes these boundaries are based on past experiences 。Sometimes they are based on perceived capacities 。Sometimes these limits are based on nothing 。
据我所观察很多人都是自我强加给自我的局限性 。他们有时候根据潜力和力量自我设定了他们的局限有时候根据过去的经历设定一些边界还有的根据想象中的潜力设定还有些则毫无任何根据就限定了自我的力量 。