
英音  [ə'sɪdɪfaɪ] 
美音 [ə'sɪdɪfaɪ] 
acidify 基本解释
acidify 变化形式第三人称单数: acidifies
过去式: acidified
过去分词: acidified
现在分词: acidifying
中文词源acidify 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Either way environmentalists and many scientists are wary of the scheme because injecting vast quantities of carbon dioxide would slightly acidify the deep ocean and might harm some marine life .无论用哪种方法,环保专家和许多科学家都担心注入大量的二氧化碳会使深海稍微酸化,可能会危害一些海洋生物 。
Rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will acidify the ocean 's surface waters in any case , he points out , and pumping some of the carbon into the ocean depths could slow that process . " Why would you want to take this off the table before you know what it does"他指出,不管怎样,增加大气中的二氧化碳含量也会使海洋表面的水酸化,而抽取一些碳放到海洋深处将减慢这一过程 。“为什么在你确切地知道它将产生什么效果之前就让这种方法出局呢?”