
acing 基本解释
中文词源acing 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释He is always acing up his sleeve , and takes others by surpriseat last .他做事总是使用绝招,往往最后打出王牌,使他人猝不及防 。
Karate is not his interest but he did his best . Then you can easy know why he does so well in acing . That 's because he concentrated on acting .空手道不是他的真正兴趣,但他做到了最好,这也就能解释为什么他也能把表演事业做好了,是的,因为他钟情于此 。
The best way to stay in the " sweet spot , " dr. moser says , is to channel the anxiety into productive activity - like studying and acing the test .莫泽认为,要掌握好平衡点,最好的方式是将焦虑引导到富有成效的行动中去,比如说去学习并通过测试 。
Look , cramming may appear to work for some people , but it 's not really a reliable or effective method for acing your finals .瞧,对有些人来说,疲劳战可能有用,但是对于你的期末考试来说,这并不是一种可靠高效的学习方法 。
Except for 50 metres events , assignment of lanes shall be by p1 acing the fastest swimmer or team in the center lane in pool , swimmers with identical times shall be assigned their lane position by draw .除50米项目以外,泳道的安排是游得最快的尖子选手或游泳队在泳池的中间泳道,速度相同的选手则根据抽签来定泳道 。