
ACM 基本解释
美国计算机学会;Andeans Common Market 安第斯共同市场;Anti-armor Cluster Munition 反装甲集束弹药
中文词源ACM 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Zhejiang university acm programming contest the purity of ( material ) , vomiting blood sacrifice !浙大acm编程竞赛的摸板(内部质料),吐血奉献!
The following information serves acm to determine your risk capital .将通过如下信息来决定您的风险资本 。
I participated in a contest with acm called the america 's cup rally .我参加了一个美洲杯组织的竞赛活动 。
With comfortable and innovation atmosphere at acm , you have the opportunity to prove yourself and make your dreams come true .在盛美和谐创新的氛围中,你能得到机会充分展示你的才能,实现你的梦想 。
Finally , the problems to be resolved about raw materials , low cost , design and evaluation in acm were discussed .最后,重点讨论了复合材料的原材料技术、低成本技术、设计/评价一体化技术等亟待解决的问题 。