
英音  ['ækmɪ] 
美音 ['ækmɪ] 
acme 基本解释
acme 变化形式易混淆的单词: AcmeACME
所属分类:GRE星级词汇:中文词源acme 顶峰来自词根ac的最高级 。-m最高级后缀 。acme 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Several of berkshire 's subsidiaries are particularly sensitive to the housing market , such as acme brick , shaw carpet , and johns manville .伯克希尔的一些子公司与房地产市场关系密切,比如acmebrick,shawcarpet和johnsmanville 。
We just have one or several quality in work or in life to acme , so can achieve great success in business .我们只需要将一种或者几种品质在工作或者生活中发挥到极致,那么就能取得瞩目的成就 。
Although the compact was greeted as the acme of european solidarity , it is more likely to provoke strife .尽管这一协议被人们看成欧洲团结的顶峰,但这更像会挑起不和 。
Sales are back up , the head count is now up to 130 , and acme reckons it will hire 20 more people this year to handle the growing order book .而如今销售额涨势再起,员工数已达130人,acme公司考虑今年再扩招20人处理不断增多的订单量 。
A general method , the method of all the , you have a virtue of acme will naturally have other quality , and everything all want to become their own virtue , will result is not their own virtue all things .一法通,则万法通,你拥有了一种美德的极致自然会拥有其它品质,而样样皆想变成自己的美德,结果必然是样样皆不是自己的美德 。