
英音  [əkˈnɒlɪdʒmənt] 
美音 [əkˈnɑlɪdʒmənt] 
acknowledgement 基本解释
acknowledgement 变化形式复数: acknowledgements
使用频率:中文词源acknowledgement 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释This acknowledgement must be the starting point of any effective resolution system .承认这些事实,必然是一切有效决议体系的起点 。
Healing through prayer rests on heartfelt acknowledgement and affirmation of the power of divine love .通过祈祷治愈疾病建立在祷告者由衷承认神爱的存在并对其力量深信不疑的基础之上 。
They 've usually tried to show some form of remorse , while avoiding acknowledgement of atrocities .他们常常努力显示出一些懊悔之情,同时避免承认暴行 。
This final acknowledgement follows weeks of growing pessimism and represents a significant downgrading of the summit 's original goal .在悲观情绪滋生了数周后,他们承认了最终的结局,它显然与首脑会议的最初目标相差甚远 。
It would be an acknowledgement of the immense difficulty of designing incentives that are fair , targeted and generous enough to make a difference .这等于承认,设计公平、有针对性且优惠幅度足以产生影响的税收激励措施,存在巨大的困难 。