《打嗝的树仙》读后感怎么写?( 二 )

它虽然是一本充满想象的童话故事,但每个人物和故事都隐含着朴素的真理 。给稻草人脑子的不是奥兹大王,而是他自己 。虎头熊就要到了,大家急的团团转,都等着惊恐的眼睛,等待着死神的到来 。稻草人这是反而显得很镇定,他望了一眼壕沟的沿岸,就对着铁皮人大叫说:“铁皮人,快!你去把那边一颗大树砍倒横在沟上,我们从树上过去”,当胆小狮走到壕沟中间的时候,虎头熊已经赶到了,又是稻草人大喊:“胆小狮,别犯傻和他拼命 。到这边来,让铁皮人把树砍断就行了”;给铁皮人心的是他自己 。过河时,稻草人因为使劲往上拔竹竿,而使身体离开了木筏,被留在河中心的竹竿上 。“我……我们再也……见不到稻草人了!”铁皮人哭得最伤心,几天的生活,他发现自己已经和稻草人建立了深厚的友谊,他是在无法接受失去稻草人的现实 。在寻找奥兹的路上,他帮助别人的事迹越来越多,心渐渐地善良起来;狮子的胆量也不是奥兹给的,而是在寻找奥兹的路上,一直在锻炼自己,使自己勇敢起来,拥有了勇气和力量 。
虽然,他们找到的奥兹大王是个演员出身靠蒙骗度日的骗子,但是他们寻找的智慧、爱心和勇气却在寻找奥兹的过程中慢慢的拥有了 。就像小时候,我们没有力量,缺乏智慧,不懂得与人相处,但是随着年龄的长大,生活阅历的丰富,我们也会拥有那些曾经我们梦寐以求的东西,读后感《绿野仙踪的读后感》 。儿童作家郑渊洁说:“《绿野仙踪》是值得孩子们长大后回味多年的书籍,他们同样适合成年人阅读 。这些故事里有天真和梦幻,让人们很单纯的喜悦,很单纯的流泪、滋养、洁净着我们的心灵 。”
"The Wizard of Oz" is by the United States, Lehman.Fei Frank.Baum book, which is a well-known book, with the fictional Land of Oz as the background, tells the United States Kansas girl Dorothy Volume was a tornado to a place called Munchkin, well-meaning witch pointing her to the Emerald City to find the Great Wizard of Oz to help her home.On the road, she has met the Scarecrow ----- he needs a brain; Tin Woodman ----- he needs a heart; ----- Cowardly Lion courage he needs.They go hand in hand and encouraging each other and help each other overcome difficulties one after another, and finally came to the Emerald City.Because of their excellent performance, great healers to help them achieve their aspirations, Scarecrow got a brain; Tin Woodman had a heart; Cowardly Lion got courage, Dorothy also fulfill our wishes, with a puppy care care back to his hometown and returned to the relatives..
This book brings me to a beautiful fantasy world of pure fantasy of people on the ground, masters of the beautiful Dorothy is an innocent little girl from her body, I learned in a strange environment, should learn to strong and optimistic, even how difficult it themselves, or will it help people in need around with friends to tide over difficulties with sharing.Efforts to pursue their own goals to be reached, do not give up, not back.The image of the characters make the story more lively and interesting.We also had to learn from good quality.