复活节主持词开场白怎么写?( 二 )

1,信,因着主耶稣的复活而坚定不移 。2,望,因着主耶稣的同在而始终如一 。
合:爱,因着主耶稣的舍命才具有真实的意义 。1,生活中有主才甜蜜 。2,家庭中有主才合一 。
合:生命中只有拥有主才有胜罪的能力和永生的结局 。1,回首往事,有多东西真正的属于你 。2,遥望天际,何处才是你最终的安息 。
1,今天拥有了主,你的福杯必长久满溢,他的恩典必永远不离开你 。
2,今天跟随了主,他必赐你不尽的活水,领你进入那流奶与蜜之地 。2013年复活节感恩敬拜赞美会到此结束 。
亲爱的小朋友们,老师们,大家上午好,今天我们大家欢聚在丑小鸭双语幼儿园,共同庆祝我们的复活节活动 。在这里,我们祝愿所有的小朋友们都能玩的开心,玩的高兴 。现在请所有的小朋友们跟老师一起说:“happy easter day”!
good morning all of kids and teachers,today we are so glad get together here to celebrate our easter activities.at here we wish all of us have a happy easter day!now, please all of the children with the teacher says: happy easter day!
easter is one of the most important festival in western,in a month .on the first sunday after the celebrates the resurrection of christ
说到这我想问一问我们的小朋友们,你们知道复活节的象征有哪些吗?像是彩蛋、兔子、化妆游行等都是复活节的象征 。
okay , who can tell me ,what’s the symbol of easter.for example easter egg.easter bunny,easter parade and so on.
人们用颜料或彩笔在蛋皮上画上各种漂亮的图案,就形成了彩蛋,我们可以玩寻找彩蛋的游戏,比一比看谁找到的彩蛋多,也可以小朋友间互相交换 。兔子也是孩子们在复活节最喜欢的礼物之一,它象征着黑暗中的光明,象征着希望;更有趣的是在西方许多国家,复活节当天,孩子们将会装扮成各种不同身份的人或动物到街上游行 。
children color eggs then they play games with the eggs.they also roll eggs up a hill.they have easter egg or jellybean hunts.the rabbit is also one of the children favorite gift for easter, it is a symbol of light in the darkne,even more interesting to many countries in the west, on easter day, the children will dre up as a different identity of people or animals into the street parade. 今天我们也将会有许多非常有意思的活动,小朋友们想不想参加啊,请把你们的小手举起来 。(接下来各班还有很多有趣的活动,请老师依次将幼儿带到指定的地点进行活动,再次祝大家复活节快乐,happy easter day!)
today we will have many interesting activities, would you like to join us ?if you want ,please hands up ,then i will find you.(after a while ,we still have a lot of interesting games ,now please all of teachers take the children to the appointed place ,everybody happy easter day,thank you very much.