《为奴十二年》观后感怎么写?( 二 )

故事终究是故事 , 虽然这个故事的确是历史真事 。但是你我只是众多的黑奴之一 , 纵使你自认为能够撼动大树 , 那怎样能忘了一句俗语:蚍蜉撼大树 。同样的 , 处于大自然的环境中 , 处于整个社会中 , 处于泱泱十六亿国民中 , 你我又算得了什么?一个莫名其妙的飞机失误就能够顷刻间灰飞烟灭;一场突如其来的地震就能够让几千万人瞬间消失于你我的世界里;
人啊人 , 不管你有没有信仰 , 还是多一点敬畏心吧 , 因为你所有的那点东西也就那样 , 咱们算个什么东西?
Film Review of Twelve Years a Slave
Human nature is good and evil.With the concept of racial discrimination in the background, I see more good white people and extreme cruel white people.
As an African American, Salomon is free, but he has economic value in the slave market, the man who has black skin have economic value.What’s more, their economy and technology development lags behind the west, such a contrast with the expansion of capital, so the white be opinionated higher organisms.
In the slaveholder’s cotton garden, all of the black people were being a yes-man.Furthermore, even they were singing and dancing, still with blank expreions, inability and bitter.Law of the jungle is human nature, but also a sentence which is repeated verification of the history.The so-called freedom, be sure to build on an independent basis.You want to be independent, you must to be powerful.
In addition, good and evil are also human nature.Solomon was abducted by two white is evil, the first slave owner gave him the violin is good, the salver who reported him is evil, finally, the man help him to the post is good.All in all, I saw the fate of individuals from the film, the change of time, and the future of people for good and evil.


“你能回来就好……”在一片悲喜交集中 , 《为奴十二年》这部影片结束了 。然而 , 它的意义和思想远未结束 。它反映的善良与冷漠的较量 , 至今仍在进行着……
《为奴十二年》讲述了19世纪上半叶的一个黑人的故事 。所罗门本是纽约的一个具有自由身份的黑人 , 靠拉琴为生 , 已经有了家庭 。却被两个白人以为马戏团表演伴奏所骗 , 去了华盛顿 , 被绑架并卖为奴隶 。他竭力逃脱 , 却没有成功 , 他被卖到了南方 , 过了十二年非人的奴隶生活 , 见到了许多黑人的悲剧 。终于 , 有一位善良的巴斯先生答应帮助他 , 在一番周折之后 , 他终于重获自由 , 回到了家中 。
看《为奴十二年》时 , 有一个镜头让我特别震惊 。当是所罗门被吊了起来 , 呼吸困难 , 奄奄一息 , 许多人从旁而过 , 却视而不见 。在他已经快要死去的时候 , 一个女士出来 , 看见了他 , 但她只是冷漠、呆滞地望了几眼 , 竟又走了回去 , 那眼神 , 是怎样的轻蔑和不屑!人都快要死了 , 不但不来救 , 还在高台上欣赏 , 厌倦以后又走了回去 。这人可以说简直是冷漠到了冷血的.地步 。