
The feeling after seeing
Have you seen the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan? Have you enjoyed it? Maybe you don’t like it ,but I like it !I like mysterious things so much.Now ,you must gue the bookI have seen is Conan .But I selected Holmes Stories instead of it because of many reasons.
【福尔摩斯读后感怎么写?】I just read some stories during this week.As the saying goes “W ell begun, half done”.At the beginning of this book ,just like many other detective stories ,the author gives us a brief description of the condition .I think it is considerate and attractive.It can arouse my interest and stimulate me read it completely.
To my impreed ,the stories some of it is about a case concerning the Duke’s miing son .Arthur, the Duke’s son, was disappeared in a morning.What’s worse, the German teacher was miing also.The school master turned to Sherlock Holmes for help.Then, he invested carefully the entire place.Finally, the case was coped with very fast by his cleverne.It’s so perfect of his performance in this section! Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely absorbed in mysterious story presented by this book.
After seeing these stories, I understand much from them.Firstly, every mystery has an answer .just as Holmes said,” the secret is to ask the right questions .then, you will find the answers.” What’s more, we must take everything into consideration before doing everything.Finally ,we
should insist on the things we are doing.Don’t give up easily when facing many difficulties.The only way for us is to face it and deal with it.Only by this can we achieve succe, just like Holmes.
All in all, Holmes, a typical wrings, is worthwhile for us to read!


我给大家推荐一本书 。它叫《福尔摩斯》,它是由英国作家“柯南·道尔”写的一本小学生版侦探系列的小说 。
这本书的主要人物有:“福尔摩斯、华生、小兔子、李大猩、孤格森、杰贝兹、威尔森、文生、火车劫匪首领、梅里华特、汤肯罗斯”这本小说里还有很多四字的词语让我记忆犹新 。比如:风驰电掣、一跃而起、恍然大悟、措手不及、来势汹汹、纵身一跃、破口大骂 。
这本书的案情是:神秘的红发会重金招募会员,当铺老板获选,以为天降横财,不料,红发会中途撤走,人间蒸发般不见踪影 。于此同时,三个月前的'火车大劫案浮出水面……结果我就不告诉大家了,嘿嘿!
我看的这本是第八册,整一套共八册,前面还有七册,我还没看过 。同学们感兴趣的话,自己去找答案吧 。


我很喜欢看书,有的人都会喊我小书虫,而我最喜欢看侦探小说,其中的最爱就莫过于《福尔摩斯》了 。福尔摩斯是我的偶像,他观察仔细,明察秋毫,有耐心,凭借这些习惯,他就可以破解一切谜案 。而我呢?有点懒,没耐心,还会耍一点小聪明,下面,我就来句几个例子吧 。有一次,我在家里写爸爸布置的试卷,前面的题目我都写了,可惟独附加题连看都没有看,就认为自己肯定不会写,所以就罢写了 。