《卑鄙的我》观后感如何写?( 三 )

毕竟电影院不是科技馆,真正治愈我们的只能是一个温暖人心的故事 。


Good morning everyone, today I want to talk about a very interesting movie , it\\'s name is "despicable me".A few weeks ago, we watched the film together,I gue everyone was impreed by this movie.As we all know, the wonderful plot is very important for a film.Now, I’ll analyze the unusual plots of this film.
The film is tells the story of the main character Gru,he was planning the biggest heist in the world.He was going to steal the moon.
Why did he want to steal the moon? There are two main fuse.On the surface, the bad guy Gru addicted to all evil things .When he heard the news that someone had stolen Egyptian pyramids,he was very diatisfied with the emergence of the thief,whose name is Victor.With the help of Dr.Nefario, he decided to build a rocket to steal the moon.However, from a deeper level, his stealing moon plan, as well as various immoral behavior, comes from his mother \\'s influence on him.In his childhood, Gru longed for someone to listen to his dream, but his mother treated him indifferently, and did not give him love and encouragement .So the fire of picking up the moon in Gru was buried for many years.
In the proce of a loan from the bank.,Gru’s shrink ray gun was robbed by the new thief victor.In order to regain the shrink ray gun, Gru decided to adopt three orphans - Margo, Edith and Agnes lace , asking them to erter into Victor\\'s castle to sell cookies, then secretly conduct his plan.
The story has a turning point since then.In the ordinary daily life,Gru had feelings for three kids.When the girls played in the amusement park with him, when the girls listened to Gru telling stories before they shept , when the girl invited Gru to watch their dancing performance, Gru was treated as a father,hefelt a deep sense of warmth.In order not to affect his plan, Gru send three children back to the orphanage.After the succe of stealing moon,Victor got the news that Victor kidnapped three little girls.
The story reaches a climax here.Gru tried his best to save three girls.Then Gru played with them on the same stage, he expreed great joy.The story has a happy ending.The moon returned , and Gru also turned into a true hero.
【《卑鄙的我》观后感如何写?】That’s all, thank you.