《弱点》观后感怎么写?( 四 )


Let the blind spots become bright
In football game, quarterback(四分卫) is the soul of the field work(现场工作).Attacking all organizations are the quarterback, and the quarterback has fatal blind spots(致命的盲点), while the existence of the left tackle(左边锋) is the defense of the blind; when he is behind the eyes, the great Zoo Miffing can let this blindne(盲点)become a bright spot.And the conversions of each person are same, each person has a blind spot, but sometimes many people may not notice, or notice.However,do not have the ability to change, they can only allow someone to continue, which requires the teacher and friend to find the blind spots.Of course, the most important is you; do not have their own behavior to control moment; more guidance can only be nonsense(荒唐的).As for Mike, the drug\\'s mother(服药的母亲), suicide’s father(自杀的父亲) who was growing dark.Support is easily found and it can give him the selfle help, make him into the family, and he ultimately gains a remarkable(了不起的) achievement.Of course, white family help is very important, but if Mike does not have
that good heart, and determination to persevere, I\\'m afraid that more helps will be of no avail, there’re too much example which the people give up all confidence in oneself (自甘堕落).Sandra.Bullock\\'s personality is the highlight of the image (形象)of mother, she has a kind and gentle appearance.The film is full of warmth and hope, also have
strong scene can not help laughing, this Oscar(奥斯卡) is really deserved.Michael Ochs was born in poverty, complex environment, until the age of three; he had to play a
vagabond(漂泊的) life.Life chooses him, but he has no courage to face the future, he was protected by mother before the age of three.
That\\'s a tall and strong, dark – skinned(黑皮肤), no expreion face(面无表情), do not conceal(隐瞒) some bitter sorrow taste(苦愁滋味).Obviously during the cold weather, he wore thin T-shirt and shorts, he shivered(颤抖的) in the cold winter.No matter how tall he looked,people ignore him, because he is only a child of 16 years old.Gillian who has become motherhood(已为人母) put all look into her eyes; she is not only to give the child a warm
family, but to make him get everything which belongs to
everyone\\'s respect.Her warm care and education finally let the poor, simple and honest boy grow up.
Each of us must have some shortcomings(缺点), it is difficult to avoid the kind of life and reality; we do not avoid them to get rid of shame, we should open their hearts, their tolerance;let your mind find a place to perch(栖息、停留).
Weakne(弱点), we need not to hide it, and it is a true symbol.Rather than steps which others are laughed at you, when you confront with trouble, you should give up those unneceary pretend(假装), and mincing(装腔作势) appearance.