“把信仰寄托给神,把贱命交给我 。”
这是安迪走进监狱的情形,像任何一个有罪的人,被命运欺骗了 。
最初听到肖申克的救赎这个片名,以为肖申克是个人名 。实际肖申克不是这部片子中两个男主人公的任何一个,它是一个地名,即“鲨堡监狱” 。假设我们每个人都生活在一座大监狱,在这所大监狱里,你如何救赎你自己?
这个监狱,是座人间炼狱,狱卒残暴、狱霸横行,磨蚀人的精神 。在这绝望之中,服无期徒刑的安迪像是用一件无形的护身罩护住自己,心中永远有希望 。
有了希望,肖申克监狱不过是一座形同虚设的监狱,有了希望,一把小小的锤子,一张大海报,便可以救赎生命,可以救赎自由 。有了希望安迪可以在救赎自己的过程中尽情的享受每一个小小的乐趣,并将这乐趣传播开来,将希望播种在每个人心里 。
安迪开始帮助典狱长洗黑钱,并因此得到了更为宽厚的待遇,他甚至不厌其烦地给州zf写信,并在几年后得到了回应---州zf向肖申克捐赠了图书、唱机、甚至史无前例的监狱图书基金—每年500美金 。在唱片中包括费加罗的婚礼 。那声音飞扬,高远入云,超过任何在禁锢中的囚犯们所梦,仿佛一只美丽的小鸟,飞入这灰色的鸟笼,让那些围墙消失,令铁窗中的所有犯人,感到一刻的.自由,哪怕只是刹那的停留,哪怕只如一个飞掠而过的闪光,却似乎唤醒了囚犯心底里一丝尚未完全泯灭的东西,是的,当老瑞德在夜里抚摸着昔日的口琴时心中所想的,自由 。
安迪没有被命运毁掉,他获得了一个完满的结局 。他重获自由,惩罚了监狱长等恶人,还与老友阿瑞在海边重逢 。
希望是关不住的,是有翅膀的鸟,是流动的空气,是永远无法遏制的,有了希望就有了一切,有了希望就一切皆有可能 。
姓名:严婷婷 班级:08英语1班 学号:0812010007
Hope is of Great Importance in One’s life
Of the topics reflected in the movie The Shawshank Redemption I give my vote to hope.When it comes to hope, people often say, “so archaic a topic,” “Too much has been discued about it.” “Do you think others will be interested in things having been said again and again?” Against these people, what I want to argue is that just like love and faith, hope is an eternal topic.No matter how the times change, hope will never be out of date.No matter what achievements we human have made, the work of arousing people’s inner hope and emphasizing hope’s value can never be stopped.Furthermore, if you really have true feelings towards hope, then you can always have something valuable to say and will have empathy with others.
Andy Dufresne, imprisoned in Shawshank for 27 years, has never given up his plans to escape the cage.Imagining a man, under the effects of the long-term incarceration, surrounded by the air of desperation and numbne, still can make his own plans, do his own things, and never go with the flow.It is unbelievable but it is true.It is out of hope that he endures all the hardship, carefully works out a plan of escape and finally sets himself free.Hope for renewal, hope for a better life indeed can save a man .Just as Andy says in his letter to Red ,“……Hope is a good thing, may be the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”.Hope can not only help you conquer the darkne and secure liberty, but also influence the people around you.Take Red as an example, Andy’s strong faith in hope has changed his perception of life, saved him from desperation, and encouraged him to seek for peace and happine in his remaining years.Just as someone has mentioned, “Hope is like sunshine, illuminating all the darkne of the world”.The scene must be very familiar to us that Andy should chip away at a cement wall for an unknown number of years! What a magic power hope is! It makes a man so patient and perseverant!
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