
1.当人们令你失望,你更要勇往直前,因为早晨到来,又是阳光灿烂的一天 。
And when they let you down
You get up off the ground
【电影《爱乐之城》经典台词写法怎么样?】cause morning rolls around
And it’s another day of sun.
2.一次小小的邂逅,可能就是苦等的机遇 。
A little chance encounter…
could be the one you’ve waited for.
3.我们追寻的不过是另一个人的爱,一股悸动、一个眼神、一个碰触、一支舞,凝视一个人的双眼,点亮一整片天空 。
Yes,all we’re lookin’for is love from someone else.
A rush
A glance
A touch
A dance
A look in somebody’s eyes…to light up the skies
4.我只需要这疯狂的.感觉,与噗通乱跳的心,但愿它一直都在 。
cause all that i need’s this crazy feeling.
The rat-tat- tat of my heart.
Think i want it to stay.
5.总会有个地方能让我实现,对自己的期许 。
Somewhere there’s a place…
where i find who i’m gonna be.
6.就这样一文不名,我跳上巴士,来到这里,勇敢或疯狂,未来见分晓 。
without a nickel to my name
Hopped a bus,here i came.
could be brave or just insane,we’ll have to see.
well,no one likes jazz!not even you!
i do like jazz now because of you!
8.敬那些做梦的人,哪怕他们有点傻,敬那些痛着的心,敬我们制造的混乱 。
Here’s to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here’s to the hearts that ache
Here’s to the mess we make.
9.正是那一丝丝疯狂,让我们看见新的色彩 。
A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see’
10.人最爱别人倾注热情的事物 。
People love what other people are passionate about!
11.音乐与机械打造的彩色世界,召唤我跃上大银幕,活在每一个场景中 。
A Technicolor world made out of music and machine
it called me to be on that screen
And live inside each scene.
why do you say“romantic”like
it’s a dirty word?
我不知道,洛杉矶就是这样,什么都崇拜,什么都不重视 。
i don’t know.That’s l.A. They just worship everything and they value nothing.
13.你可以自己写角色,写跟你一样有趣的东西 。
You could just write your own roles,you know?
write something that’s as interesting as you are
14.爵士就是…每次都是新的,每晚都是全新的,非常非常刺激 。
it’s new every time.it’s brand new every night.影视知识
it’s very,very exciting.
How are you gonna be a revolutionary if you’re such a traditionalist?