《读心神探》台词如何写?( 三 )

34.……you were ……the best man……the most human……human being that I\\'ve ever known,and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie……I was so alone……and I owe you so much……But ,please,there\\'s just one more thing,one more thing,one more miracle,Sherlock,for me,don\\'t be ……dead……just stop it…………
……你是……最好的人……我见过的最……有人性的人 , 谁也别想让我相信你骗了我……我曾经是那么的孤单……我欠了你那么多……但是 , 求你了 , 还有一件事 , 就一件……再多一个奇迹 , Sherlock , 为了我 , 不要……那样……死去……让一切都停下来……
35.I need to get to know the place again, breathe it in.Feel every quiver of its beating heart.我需要重新认识这里 , 身临其境 , 感受城市的心跳
36.What life? I\\'ve been away.能有什么生活? 我又不在
37.The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world.追捕的紧张刺激 , 血脉迸发的兴奋 , 我们俩对抗全世界38.Because the one person he thought didn\\'t matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most.You made it all poible.他觉得对我无足轻重的那个人 , 其实至关重要 。是你将这一切变为可能
39.Please, John, forgive me, for all the hurt that I caused you.求你了 , 约翰 , 原谅我 , 原谅我带给你的所有伤害
40.You were the best and the wisest man that I have ever known.你是我所知道的最好的人 , 最明智的人
41.It changes people, marriage.Marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can\\'t imagine.婚姻能改变一个人呢 。婚姻对人的影响你根本没法预料
42.Grown-ups like that sort of thing.大人们喜欢冠冕堂皇
43.I am a ridiculous man.Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship.我这人不可理喻 , 只有你持续给予的温暖友谊救赎了我
44.We will never let you down and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.我们永远不会辜负你 , 我们将用一生来证明
45.When you\\'re scared of something you start wishing it sooner, just to get it all going.人害怕某件事就会一头扎进去 , 希望事情快过去
46.Well, if you\\'ve found the right one, the person that you click with, it\\'s the best thing in the world.如果你找对了人 , 能和你心意相通的人 , 这再美好不过了
47.What do we say about coincidences? The universe is rarely so lazy.我们怎么说巧合来着?宇宙很少如此懒惰
48.Just hold your nerve on your turning.转身时要淡定自若
49.Here in front of you all, my first and last vow.Whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on, I swear I will always be there.Always.下面大家将听到的是我平生首次也是最终的誓言 。无论代价多大 , 无论前路如何 , 从此刻起 , 我发誓永远为你们守候 , 永远