
????How time flies!My colorful junior middle school life is coming to an end.I\\'m glad to tell you something about my school life.????When I was six years old, I started school.Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard.My parents are quite proud of me.????Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but also beautiful.The teachers in my school are so kind and hardworking that I love them very much.All the teachers regard us students as their own children.Also they are strict with us and strict in their work.I am getting along very well with my clamates.Whenever we have difficulties in our study, we help each other.I have many interests such as dancing, singing, reading books and playing sports, and I especially enjoy basketball, which makes me smarter and helps me learn faster and better.So I\\'ve improved my life in this way.????My school life is full of happine and fun.Although we have some new challenges every day, I\\'ll try my best to meet them.????


我的高中校园生活是有趣的,每天清晨,当我背着书包来到学校时,发现一切事物都是那么美好、亲切 。小花向我微笑,树儿向我招手 。小鸟向我打招呼,唱着动听的歌 。
当我踏着美妙的节奏来到教室,发现教室每天都是那么干净、明亮,桌椅是那么整齐,同学之间是那么彬彬有礼 。心情愉快的我们开始了每天的晨读,朗朗的读书声传的很远很远,十五分钟后,充满欢乐的唱曲响了起来,大家整装待发,个个精神抖擞,等待着早操的到来 。做完操,当我们做好课前准备后,美妙而动听的上课铃响起,大家坐得端端正正,迎接着老师的到来 。
数学课把我们带入数学王国,给我们带来无穷的快乐;语文课把我们带入一个个美丽﹑奇妙的地方,让我们看到了一道道美丽的风景,听到了一个个动人的故事;音乐课给我们带来一首首美妙的旋律,让我们的思维更加活跃;英语课把我们带入一个个西方世界的世界里,让我们变换角色,体验每个人物的语言,这时我们似乎成了一个个小老外;体育课我们又变成了一个个运动小健将,活跃在操场上 。
每位老师生动有趣的上课方式让我们觉得时间过得很快 。最后一节课下课铃响了,这时我们才感觉到自己的肚子在*了,饥饿的我们看到每一道菜都是那么美味可口,半天的疲倦瞬间消失了 。到了下午,我们又精神饱满地分享着老师给我们带来的知识,生动、幽默的语言吸引着每一位同学 。
课堂上,我们享受着知识的熏陶,课间,我们感受着同学的友谊,我们在一起嬉戏、玩耍,团结友爱 。
看,这就是我们喜欢的高中校园生活 。充满活力,丰富多彩的高中校园生活 。
