出国留学介绍信怎么写?( 二 )
i would highly recommend paul as an employee. his experience and manner are rare and very valuable.
robert more
我是柳xx的导师xxx , 柳xx同学是我最欣赏的学生之一 。她最吸引我的是她的学习天赋与上进心 , 她是我见过的最聪明的学生 , 学习成绩卓著 , 人文科学与自然科学同样精通 。更为难得的是她从不妄自尊大、自以为是 , 依旧刻苦地对待每一项学习任务 , 力争成为整个团队中的最佳 。体现了她对自己和爱她的人负责的态度 。
中国有句俗话:“梅花香自苦寒来” , 经过她持之以恒地付出 , 她的语言表达能力、活动的组织能力、与人的沟通能力、独立研究能力都非常突出 , 连续获得学校三好学生 。特别是对英语 , 她具有天生的.天赋与逐渐培养起的热情 , 据我所知 , 她的雅思成绩非常高 , 并获得许多中学生英语竞赛的奖项 。能在英语国家学习 , 是她很久以前的梦想 , 为此她早已经作好了准备 。我总是情不自禁的感慨:她说的英语与我说的汉语一样棒!
她不光是我的学生 , 还是我的朋友 。因为她的个性与理想深深的吸引了我 。她总是无私地为团队奉献自己的聪明才智 , 主动为大家服务 , 任劳任怨 , 不计较个人得失 , 成为我们眼中的英雄 。她又非常幽默乐观 , 用她微笑传递给大家一天的好心情 。她又是一名体育健将 , 长跑、游泳、野外探险是她生活的一部分 , 从中她的意志得到了锻炼 。我们交往非常愉快 , 她特别乐于与我一起分享她成长中的喜怒哀乐 。还常常与我谈论电影艺术和旅游 , 美国的文化与风景深深地吸引了她 , 那里有她一个梦想 。
真舍不得她离开祖国 , 但我尊重她的选择 , 相信她会学有所成 , 正如我相信我们的友谊天长地久一样 。
谢谢 。
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am very pleased to write this recommendation for Mr. W.Y. so as to support his application for admission into your PhD program and for your consideration of his financial support.
Mr. W.Y. is a remarkable student in academic performance in our department. Upon his request, I enrolled him into my research team as my R.A. when he was still a junior, which was an exception. This bold decision was justified by his outstanding academic record during his first two years’ study. Working as my R.A., he has proved him to be a valuable potential researcher with the qualities of self-motivation, perseverance, modest and thirst for new information and technology. Though lacking of experience at the beginning compared with the other professionals in our team, he strove to keep up with the research by eagerly absorbing all necessary knowledge and constantly consulting other members with much modest. Therefore, not long after he could conduct the experiments without any assistance from the others working in the lab. He even led the discussion of our journal club that he set up from the very beginning in my lab, from which all of us benefited a lot. ↗↗↗His diligence and perseverance in our lab have paid off. Within less than one year, he got involved and finished three of my research projects:
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