西安钟楼的英语导游词怎么写?( 三 )

On the west wall of the clock tower, there are "bell tower song" and "bell tower" inscription. "Zhong Lou ge" is the shaanxi governor who built the bell tower in the same year. In the poem, the bell tower was praised enthusiastically. "The bell tower" is the governor of the bell tower, detailed description of the clock tower. On the door of the bell tower, there are 64 stories of carved wooden relief, including magnolia from the army, the moon and the moon, the book of liu yi, the sea of eight, and so on. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the peoples government of xi an made three major repairs to the clock tower, which restored the ancient architecture to its former glory.
Compared with the bell tower, it is the drum tower. The entrance of the building is south to north, north to north gate and south west street. The drum tower was built in Ming for 13 years, and the bell tower is the sister building. On the north side of the drum tower, there is a huge drum, and the morning bell on the bell tower is known as the drum tower. The building is rectangular, with a height and width of 6 meters and a depth of 38 meters. The drum tower is a heavy eaves, glazed tile roof, heavy eaves and three drops of water. The building is divided into two layers. Under the eaves of the north and south, there was a plaque, which was written by emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty: "wenwu shengdi", which was written by li yunkuan, a scholar in xianning county. The outer eaves of the drum tower are decorated with dougong. Paint on the ceiling painted cloud patterns, antique, very beautiful. The bell and drum tower meet, making the ancient city of xi an more beautiful and spectacular. Well, this is the end of the bell tower tour. Thank you!
自古以来 , 长安城以北都是一块风水宝地 。千百年过去了 , 宫阙虽然早已化为尘土 , 但过了钟楼 , 出了城墙北门一路向北 , 依然还是有着很多令人流连忘返的古今美景 。西安钟楼位于西安市中心 , 明城墙内东西南北四条大街的交汇处 , 是中国现存钟楼中形制最大、保存最完整的一座 。接下来小编为你带来西安钟楼导游词 , 希望对你有帮助 。
大家好!很高兴和大家见面 , 大家就叫我常导吧 。接下来就和我一起参观西安钟楼吧!
钟楼位于西安市中心 , 东南西北四条大街的交汇处 。看 , 在我们眼前的两层建筑就是钟楼 , 它由基座、楼身和楼顶三部分组成 。钟楼高36米 , 是古色古香的砖瓦结构 , 四角挑檐翘起 , 凌空欲飞 , 楼顶有各色玻璃瓦鲜艳夺目 , 美丽极了 。钟楼四周鲜花环绕 , 增添了欢乐的节日气氛 。
基座是由巨大的城砖筑成 , 沿着基座北面的楼梯而上 , 我们便来到钟楼楼身观光台 , 首先映入我们眼帘的是一口青色的明代大钟 , 重五吨 , 里面能容纳五六个人 , 钟面上雕刻着精美的八卦图案 , 浑厚洪亮的钟声好像闷雷滚动 , 告诉周边的人们新一天的到来;如今 , 钟声祈祷老人的长寿、可以让小孩健康快乐……一跨入展厅大门 , 就看见三排钟从小到大的排列着 , 其中的一排钟形状大小一模一样 , 但一排和一排形状不同;周围还有许多美丽的水墨画和刚劲有力的书法 , 钟和书画向我们展现了明代人的技艺高超 。站在钟楼上极目远眺 , 东南西北四条大街人来人往 , 车水马龙 , 热闹非凡 。