英语导游词怎么写?( 三 )

文章来源网络整理,仅供参考学习 waterfowl and its important wintering habitat, weishan lake area, a total of 205 species, one country, the secondary protection birds are mainly bustard, whooper swans, white-naped crane, crane, yuanyang, such as 26, focus on the protection of shandong province 35 species, included in the agreement on China and Japan to protect migratory birds and their habitats in two hundred and twenty-seven there are one hundred and nine species, accounting for 48%; Included in the China and Australia to protect migratory birds and their habitats agreement of eighty-one species of 25 species, accounting for 31%. Wetland vegetation in gramineae, compositae, Sally ZhangKe, legume, ratio and pondweed families of plants is given priority to.Main plant communities are reeds of community, tomato, lotus community's water, such as vegetation zone; Apricot community, water chestnut + Gordon euryale community streamer Ye Genshen vegetation zone; Malay eye dried vegetable, micro gear pondweed communities, bitter herb plant community submerged vegetation zone, such as aquatic vegetation coverage was 89.9%, and the reputation of "underwater forest".State one, two, tertiary protect plants mainly include water fern, coarse4 / 7
文章来源网络整理,仅供参考学习 stem water fern, the straw wisp of gra and wild soybeans and other nine. Legend, long long ago, the weishan lake area, was long a few decades, several hundred zhangs of dashan, because of the mountain have a small child's tomb people gave it a name is situated.Situated on a mountainside, lived a family only between two people.Cannot father son opened up a few acres of sloping fields, grow some of their crops for a living.Although life is poor, but also comfortable. One year autumn, beans cooked quickly, pea is fat and big, cannot father son nice to think that must be a good harvest year, don't worry about no food to eat.One evening, the grandson to see beans beans field, looked up and saw a white beard old man, with a group of sheep is put in the bean field.Grandson rushed over to ask: "grandpa, how do you sheep on my bean field?" The old man said: "you this beans do not closed, within 10 days, the mountain is about to collapse, here, becomes a piece Wang Yang, the great lakes, beans can also receive?! As feed my sheep." Paused, he said: "you cannot father son but a good man ah, hurry up bright direction, can't stay here." Say and into the wind disappeared, and the sheep are gone. 5 / 7
文章来源网络整理,仅供参考学习Grandson quickly ran home and told the just thing to grandpa.Grandpa heard this, said it was immortal attunements, just pack clothes overnight.Grandson fled toward the east, ready to lead while tell folks with their escape.So going, rounds, a few days later, the mountain, the mountain people fled out. On the ninth day in the middle of the night, only listen to the sound of a breaks up, then is situated.Situated fall into the ocean, the highest peak of the original situated into the island, and the people was called the vast expanse of water, weishan lake, the ocean in a small island called situated.微山湖英语导游词范文3: Weishan lake is the most attractive place in summer, I want to see, even in the dream thought dad holiday this year, said he'd take me there. We took a steamboat quickly open, boat rowed out after two long splash, really like two hoses in playing.I took my dad's hand on the bow, and lifted up his eyes, only to see the white dots, the fleet around and fishing boats from all side in a hurry.After a while, we came to endle lotus pond. Going to see a lotus, pick the lotus, the ship was helple, our kayak on the fishermen's soil, into the lotus flowers.Lotus leaf out of the water, standing in the water, like a sentry duty,6 / 7