
dear sir madam:
i am the shanghai university of finance and economics undergraduate students, profeional accounting and administration to attend the second degree, in july next year i will graduate and undergraduate.recently informed that your company is recruiting, i am confident i am in college for four years, the learning of the candidates would help me to this position, at the same time i am in human resources management was very interested in the work, it took part in their spare time by the shanghai municipal personnel
bureau of human resources management certificate training posts.familiar with the personnel policies and regulations in china, and some profeional talent recruitment, evaluation, knowledge, etc.; believe that the knowledge i have to learn to work well.
i have good computer knowledge and ability, i was able to carry out skilled office operations.my english is very prominent, in the second year through the four national examinations, are preparing for cet.
at the university, i also served as a college party branch secretary, has a strong ability to organize and coordinate; has led the cla was awarded the title of shanghai, the collective good.therefore, i believe a very strong sense of profeionalism and responsibility will enable me to face any difficulties and challenges.
i very much hope that your company can join and play to my potential.
can join your company, i will invest 100% of my enthusiasm and responsibility.enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae.if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful.
3、用三到四个“项目符号”列举出你为什么能胜任该职位的背景和特长,回应招聘广告的要求 。
【会计学专业自荐信怎么写?】4、表明有兴趣获得一个面试的机会,讨论申请问题 。
7、除非注明要求手写,否则应用打字机或者文字处理软件打印 。但个人签名一定要用手写
9、注意,cover letter应力求精简,除非有特殊情况,否则一律用一张纸完成


您好!感谢你在百忙之中抽出时间来阅读我的简历 。
我是湖北经济学院法商学院会计学专业20xx届专科毕业生 。通过我对贵公司事业、业务的了解,并结合所学的专业知识,我认为贵公司是我理想的选择 。因此冒昧地向您递上了这封求职信,并真诚的希望能成为贵公司的一员,为贵公司的发展添砖加瓦,同时也获得一个发展自我、完善自我的机会 。